Some of the sets are going to be crucial in PvP
This is copium.
The bonuses are still better than extra stats.
Why should I invite some random player I’ve never met to my key though?
Because I need a spot filled and they have what seems to be good experience for it. What’s your point ? You think people don’t pug keys ?
Are you ok ?
What are you mad about now that you’re defending this boneheaded move of timegating the Catalyst ? Like 5 years ago someone laughed at you when you argued against the removal of Tier from WoD LFR or something ?
I refuse to accept obvious time gating in a subscription game.
If you want to open yourself up to all the chaos of LFG keys, that’s all you. I’ve been there, done that, and have decided that running with players I know is smoother, less stressful, and more fun so that’s what I’ll be doing instead.
What Chaos ? I pugged to 2700 this season. No chaos.
Ok, what’s your point ? I fail to see what this has to do with the topic.
Good for you, petty off topic person.
The problem is that tier set bonuses have crept up to be almost 30% extra damage.
I don’t remember them being even remotely that powerful even back when they were more accessible (VoA, Tol Barad, etc.).
I think everything they have said on the catalyst is fine.
But I suspect that’s because I’m not thinking of the catalyst as something it’s not trying to be.
Of course you do, you defend all boneheaded moves.
No, it’s because you were argued against about ML once and now you’re still salty about it. We know this, because you literally said it.
Well, you clearly know more about my thought processes than I do.
You can pretend you didn’t say the words you did, but we both know you did. You admitted it. Brewa admits it too. You guys are still seething about being argued against on GD 4 years ago.
Imagine the level of fragile that requires.
Good to know I participated in “arguments” on the forums before I started posting there.
Dude, you claimed victimhood in the Beta thread over people saying the ML removal was good and it made you mad because you wanted ML.
Were you lying in the Beta thread ?
Maybe you just don’t realise BfA launch and the ML removal was 4 years ago now.
No they truly are awful. The paladin set buffs crusader strike which is the lowest priority skill and does the least amount of damage.
To do the actual hardest content in the game. Mythic+
You know, the content that the masses do FAR more than raid? The content that is WAY harder than raiding? The content that is literally designed to be unbeatable?
If you look at tier sets from other expansions. The first patch ones tend to be weak. And the 2nd, 3rd ones get stronger based of whatever metas develop and usually catered to meta specs or maybe making other builds more favorable.
Crusader strike is lower priority but still gets used plenty enough. If you note a bunch of the tier sets aren’t that good, they are a minor bonus. Don’t expect anything like shadowlands tier sets until the third patch/raid/season.
And its damage is buffed by 200% with the set bonus. On top of that, consuming those 2 stacks of that triple damage Crusader Strike will double the damage on Blade of Justice. You might also want to prioritise BoJ/CS talents in the tree because of it, changing up your talent choice as you gain 2 and 4 pc.
It’ll bite into TV’s damage and change up your damage profile.
You can cope that it’ll be a small damage buff, not important, wtv, but the few remaining Ret Paladins if there are any since it’s a dead meme spec at this point, will all want to have it.
You mean the content that scales to no end? Once beyond 15s, skill starts to take over more then gear, once beyond 20s skill is really at the forefront. the thing about M+ is it scales, you don’t need the that good of gear to do up to 15-20s, it helps, as it can cover deficiencies but is not needed.
I have noticed a lot of people quoting and responding to my first post as if that is my stance, or worse, they seem to focus on the first line and ignore the rest. Let me put it this way: the first line was worded as a question to see if anyone could defend their hypocrisy if they used that argument against requests for better gear or better content for ones that play differently from them.
I’ll reiterate, I don’t think the catalyst should be delayed more then say the first wing of LFR opening in season 1, but there should be a universal standard in how we treat other players,
What game are we playing here?