I received a gift today, a mount, for auto-subscribing but I cannot find it in my mount list. ?!?!?
If you haven’t opened it yet, it should be a gift in your mount list. You might need to check your filters to make sure all mount options are listed.
I had to collect mine from the launcher, it had a flashing gift icon near the top right.
Yes, first you have to claim it, then you have to open it in-game.
I did claim it - and unwrapped it - but now I don’t see it in my inventory.
check your filters
It does appear to be in your collection. Can you try using the cast option? I think /cast Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm should work.
When I attempt to claim my 6 Month gift it has a drop down menu to select game region. Im in US but EU Koria or Taiwan are the only options. Is this a bug? Im scared to hit claim
Did you actively purchase this 6 month sub or did it automatically renew?
Can you check your collection in-game already? It is possible that you already have it (based on the fact that you had a recurring 6 month subscription), because I do see it as part of your collection.
If you don’t immediately see it in the collection, try using /cast Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm
I have a 6 month renewing sub and I haven’t received my mount yet. Should I put in a ticket for this?
If it is a recurring subscription, the mount should be sent out by July 22nd, as noted in the News Article.
Players on an existing 6-month recurring subscription with a future renewal date will receive the Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm mount, and Tabard of Flame for Burning Crusade Classic at no additional charge, no later than July 22, 2022 (must be redeemed by December 31. 2022).
I’d wait a bit.
Ok, thanks for the quick response
I’m having a related issue. I purchased the 6-months sub while I already had a 6 months sub going. Now I have the mount AND a gift to claim. It bugs me every time I open the bnet launcher. And it wants me to claim the gift for another region. Can’t I like, send it to someone?
No. You may need to file a ticket. Try “problem with purchase”.
My darling partners been funding my wow time for the last few months. So i want to purchase him the 6 months game subscription, even if its ongoing, as a gift. Howw do i do this?
Would also be nice for him to get the mount associated
Subscriptions are not giftable, I’m afraid. To effect what you’re hoping, you’d have to trust them enough to set one of your applicable payment methods as the subscription source on their account, which as you might imagine is not usually something that comes heartily endorsed around these parts.
You can gift game time in sixty-day chunks right from the shop with methods in your own wallet, but they won’t include the current promotional mount. Historically, though it does feel like its been a while since they’ve done this, the mounts are eventually split off for standalone sale later after the promotion period ends.
Specifically, a six month block of game time (three 60 day blocks) is not the same as a six month recurring subscription for this type of promotion.
I could be wrong here, didnt see it mentioned.
I believe you can purchase the mount stand alone as well. So if adding your cc info is a non starter, you should be able to gift the mount standalone to your partner.
Benefit of the mount, however nott he benefit of 6 months of game time. A teade off, but an option
The mount itself can be gifted.
That can happen if you purchase the subscription option after the mount has already been awarded. The mount can only be claimed in a single region so if you already have it, you’ll get other regional options.
I don’t believe it can be gifted, Cognozzle. If you want to get rid of the notice you should be able to claim it for one of the other regions.
As the others mentioned, you wouldn’t be able to easily gift a subscription since it is recurring and needs to be set up on the recipients account with billing information, etc… , but you can gift blocks of game time if you wish. The Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm can be gifted separately as Rufflebottom noted.