You had me a little concerned at first…but since we are Vulpera, we should be safe. I feel a little sorry for the Vulperas though, whoever they are.
There’s no semantics way outta this time!
Is has nos ideas whats yous is goings ons abouts.
this is why we need downvotes
Try logging in via the wow.exe file directly.
You know, a person can get a lot done in the 6 hours that the maintenance is taking away from WOW time. You could work out, write, clean, practice breathing, cook, watch YouTube or Netflix, sleep, the list goes on. That time and energy could be directed somewhere useful.
lol this reminds me of the kind of guy that comments from reading a headline without actually reading the article. Great stuff.
doesnt work already tried
Yup, sloppily done by the Blizzard Team given there is also maintenance on Tuesday.
I was booted out of the forums and unable to log back in, as I was being sent to a non-working link. Moments ago I tried to read and got a message that I did not have an account, and was invited to start one. When I clicked away, I logged back in, very odd.
I am still logged in to the game.
I ordered a half pepperoni half bacon and ham brooklyn style pizza with marinara sauce well done from Domino’s to kill the time.
Yah, this is ridiculous. A game with a paid subscription should not have any downtime during daytime hours. Work a few people night shift to keep your millions of subscribers happy.
Please don’t encourage them, because it’ll lead to even more frustration for them when the realize that they can’t sue, because they agreed to binding arbitration when they hastily clicked upon the Terms of Service to play the game.
Finally got logged back into the forums hopefully this is a sign the well be able to log into the game…this shouldn’t be happening on a Monday…we all known Tuesday is Maintenance type not Monday’s…
My 1 day off come until Sunday and we get this.
Maintenance has gotten out of hand but there will always be these forum trolls defending it and telling you to get a life.
No last minute it’s been up since late Sat early Sunday morning
Yeah, got up to log in and couldn’t log in. Saw maintenence…wtf, no warning. Wonder what’s going on.
But this maintenance is not supposing to be finish?
Battlenet Database upgrades that impact all the games and services.
Kalv mentioned it on the CS forum a few mins ago. It is not common to get details but I certainly like it when we players get some insight.