6 hours maintenance without notice?

So basically the game is supposed be down atm. Why am I still playing?

Time to watch creepy videos on Youtube, maybe Ouija board ones or haunted, creepy occurrences. :bat:


Edit: I was watch one of those videos while typing this and the next story in the video, after I finished making this post, was about a Ouija board. Not sure if creeped out or happy. : 3

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It may be time for legal action.

Were you one of the ones still playing when they started the login maintenance? If lucky you :laughing:

Whatever you do, if you’re logged in, don’t log out! I was in since earlier this morning when I accidentally hit exit game instead of logout. Now I’m boned and can’t get back in xD

The Breaking News doesn’t say that. Says down for 6 hours and during that time the game will be unavailable for play.

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Yes this is what I am getting so I just gave up and will try to log in later

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Yep, they updated the message.

Well, there goes my morning chores. lol

I had to double take at the calendar. You are definitely from the future my friend. Do you happen to have any lottery numbers? :slight_smile:

6 hours? and on my day off too. you’d think they would have these kinds of long maintenances start at like 2 in the morning. living in est is terrible for their maintenance schedule


Welcome to comments made 10+ years ago…

They have a very strange definition of “scheduled” maintenance, considering there was very little notice given and scheduled maintenance has always been on Tuesdays.

Ah well, I guess I do my taxes THEN play WoW, not the other way around.


Uuuh, it’s Monday, lol.

Wait, there’s maintenance on a monday??? I thought it was tuedays only /sigh

To be fair, the maintenance message has been up before today. It said Blizzard shop maintenance I believe. However, previously it did say that you May experience slow or failed log ins and be unable to complete store purchases and now it says the game will be unavailable.

Obviously their forums engagement numbers are down so they needed to pad them.

the world first race is over they are doing the raid nerfs wow revolves around the top 10%.

which is worse than not getting in at all because u cant reluably do anything

and the last time they did this it went really poorly

The warning indicated slow or failed logins since I saw it which was maybe Friday - it was changed sometime between yesterday and today that the game would be unavailable for play. Confirmed that Im still authenticated in bnet but when I launch the game it disconnects after about 30 seconds.

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It’s going to be okay. Breathe.

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