Guild & Server: Horde Hyjal (PST server)
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Wednesday 6:00-8:30pm PST (9:00-11:30pm EST)
Current Progression: 12/12M
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: @Gldfsh - Hyjal [H] @Kaiyo - Hyjal [H]
Application: https:// forms. gle/nbQGpwYb6tuq8vNUA
Wowprog: wowprogress. com/guild/us/hyjal/Pale+Horse
Requirements: Attitude, punctuality, 80+ neck, 465+ ilvl., Mic, weekly +15 completed.
Needs: Any exceptional candidates 11/12M or higher will be considered
Please fill out an application before contacting us
Needs: Any exceptional DPS players will be considered. Now recruiting for SL. Not currently looking for tanks or healers.