6/9M Prot Pal LF guild for 8.2


Recently moved and my schedule is much freer now so looking to get back into M raiding. 9/11M ABT, didnt touch uldir, 6/9M BoD and looking to push hard going into 8.2

Evening raids preferred.


Feloniouz#4747 - Discord, add me to chat!

I will btag if you leave yours below, as well.

Looking for strong players for 8.2

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders committed to getting CE.

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord

10 character minimum bump

Sellouts illidan-horde we raid t/w/th 9pm-11 EST. Looking to oush ce next tier, got a late start this tier and only went 4/9m ill send a discord invite but necropoles#1464 bnet or cubfucious#8979 discord if you wanna chat. “Come for the raids, stay for the discord”, if/when you join you will get it.

We are looking for tanks

we would love to have you come check us out! raid times tu wed thur 930-130 EST

Guild Name: The Night Show
Realm: Zul’jin
Faction: Horde
Contacts: Bnet tim#12145 or discord campyourbody#2937
Current Progression: 7/9M BoD
Raid Days/Times: Tue/Sun/Mon 10p-1a PST / 1a-4a EST
The Night Show is a late-night guild focused on progression raiding. We currently only raid Sun/Mon however we are adding Tuesdays to ensure we get CE and push for top US 250-500 rankings. The guild is ran by CE and US top 10 players.
Recruitment open to all classes and specs for 8.2, currently seeking DPS for the remainder of the tier.

Tank-High Priority
Resto Shaman -Med priority (all excellent healers considered)
DPS- High priority for all classes

Other recruitment officer contact

Papa#12894 - Add me

Looking for tanks.