Do Not Release [H] on Bleeding Hollow is recruiting for our mythic team! We are a two night, mythic raiding guild.
Raid Times: Wednesday and Friday- 07:00PM EST to 10:00PM EST.
Current Progression: 12/12H AoTC , 8/12M
Current Needs: Priority spaces, all can be considered.
Tank: Full
Melee DPS: Warrior, Ret Pal, DH
Ranged DPS: Fire Mage, BM hunter, Warlock, Boomkin, Spriest
Healer: Full
Bench: Anybody class/spec can be considered bench, this comes with a simple expectation of if called upon perform your designated roll, no attendance, no calling out necessary.
Guild Requirements: Prefer 80+ heart and Rank 15 cloak.
Come prepared to raid with anything you may need for the night, and arrive 15 min early. Food, flask, repairs and enchants are provided as needed once trial period is over.
We have been around since BC, with some having been around since vanilla. For the first couple tiers, we were primarily focused on AoTC achievement. This tier, we began to make the transition to a CE focused guild. and prepare for Shadowlands. We like to think we are a very unique guild, that labels themselves more as a community.
Our members all joke around, and have fun both in raid and out. Many of us play multiple other games together on off nights, as well as pushing M+. For this reason, we look for good fits to join our community.
Would love to chat a little more with you and see if we are a good match!
Recruitment Officer: BNET Des#12152
Discord: Des#1036