5k or bust: I feel bad for fresh 80's

You can still use it for dungeons. You can also still look in trade or the lfg channel.

The mental gymnastics to think the dude is just getting kicked for no reason….i haven’t seen a single person get kicked for having a low GS except the ones who whine and moan and afk.

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I have a couple times.

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Group leaders are free to set their own limits on invites /shrug, don’t like it, create your own group.

Without GS it would just be “inspect by fountain”

I’ve seen plenty kick votes for sub-5k people right at the beginning. In forge of souls, which I run every day for the daily and probably the easiest “gamma” dungeon you can do. Reasons like “LOW GS” and “low dam” right after the first pull. Why do you assume because you personally haven’t seen it that it doesn’t happen?

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Reality is hard for you huh?

Ive seen it one time and it was for someone at 4.2k.

What, that queueing with randoms means you get… randoms?

No, I understand that concept perfectly fine.

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5k gs can be bought on the ah for low prices, all the totc crafted and boe 225 gear is dirt cheap…gold is easy to get in wrath no excuse.

cry more, i have literally 8 lvl 80s and took me 2 days to get my fresh 80 hunter in 5400 gs it’s freaking easy to gear now blizzard made it brain dead

and no one is asking for high gearscore for voa, its legit tank and spank

Unless the undergeared toon is wiping the group, I’m not going to agree with the kick.
As a dps it doesnt matter what i think but as the healer, thats how i operate.
The only times I agreed with kicking a dps was when a dk stood on the wrong side and got pounded by Anub and a rogue who refused to move off glaciate.
Both were above 5k. And even in those cases i gave a warning and they kept doing it.


Tell me how you can guarantee anyone better than the last person in a completely random system?

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It’s a game.

You gotta let whatever chip on your shoulder you have go man, every warrior I have done a gamma with has been great. Ranging from being top DPS the whole run or at least putting out huge numbers even if they aren’t top. I don’t even know what your comments even means in this context.

Only reason to kick for sure.

The requirement to queue is 4k, not 5k. Either get off your high horse or make your own group of 5k players.

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Lol, lmao. Credit card swiper self report.

Sure, let’s play ball.

Weapons - The biggest deal honestly you won’t get any real good weapons on AH, they aren’t BoE. But let’s look at some options for a frost DK.
Thankfully Direbrew gave us Tankard o Terror, 226 weapons. 900g each. So 1800g for 2 of those.

Trinkets are pretty important and Greatness is only ilvl 200, and is 4000g.

All 245 crafted is cheap you say? Alright let’s see. Titanium Razorplate chest is 8000g
Titanium Spikeguards Wrists are 4000g

And those are the only 245 crafted for plate I currently see on the AH. Already, we’re up at how much gold cost? 17800 gold for like 5 pieces of gear? Mhm, dirt cheap.

But wait that’s not enough for 5000 GS nowhere close! Let’s buy up some of those 225 boe’s.

Battlelord’s Plate Boots 232 for 4000g

Belt of the Titans 232 for 2500g

And honestly, that’s all I could find for a frost DK to gear up.

But yeah, 5k gs could be bought on AH for low prices. What’s next, you’re gonna tell me I can own land in scotland and be a certified Lord?


If you have that kind of gold, then you might as well just do GDKPs and skip Gammas all together. :roll_eyes:

Which is genuinely something they’ve claimed they want people to do as well, it’s all very mindboggling.

So they can save 2½ seconds in a WotLK 5 man.


I don’t leave from the start, not even with some full pvp gear rats. I only leave if I actually just can’t stay for valid reasons.

Thing is, some of those gammas have fights with dps checks. You also can’t just accept all rats indiscriminately. All you need is a system if you’re solo queueing. Even garbage dps is only a slight delay, as long as it’s not egregious, ie a full group of fake gearscore rats who are also brand new. And even still, it’s not hopeless. For example Gundrak. They will not meet the dps check of Sladran. It’ll either never die and snakes overrun you, or they’re also terrible and eat poison novas without using defensive, as 3 melee dps; a low geared healer can’t keep them alive etc.

But you don’t have to go to Sladran. You just kill moorabi and eck. Even 2.5k dps rats will kill them. they’re so easy and they’re right at the start. They might take an extra minute per fight, but it’ll get done. 2 minutes lost nbd. Then you leave them behind without getting deserter. TOC just leave if it’s confessor. You’re still earning your scourgestones at a comparable rate. And it’s not like you’re always gonna keep getting the same rats over and over. They’re getting scourgestones too and eventually they won’t be in pvp gear.

It’s easy to forget the game needs new blood, people on the come up. It’s an MMO. It doesn’t matter how insulated you are in your gdkp or guild or whatever. There will be attrition over the long run. New blood at the bottom become mediocres, mediocres become decents, decent players become good etc. You don’t need to have them in your guild or in your streamlined gdkp. But you need them to fall in love with the game the same way you did. They’re the people behind you, injecting into the economy, providing labor, or at worst, a warm body. You might never encounter them again. You won’t have to tolerate them in your higher end raids. They will tolerate each other down at their own level, as long as there are enough of them sticking around. The level of shortsightedness in both the developers and playerbase are a large part of why MMO’s die out. It’s how you end up with a version of the game where the surviving playerbase consists of the last 3000 spergs left standing. Some of the private servers are an excellent representation of this “the last 3000 spergs left standing” phenomenon, just out there playing the same snapshot for 15 years; it takes special kind of special to do this. The general population will have lost interest long ago.

It’s not actually about saving time. They just have a compulsion to control how other people play the game. Nothing but a bunch of wannabe tyrants.


Everyone sees fury as the phase 1 slug we used to be :frowning:

is this a dps thing? bc i don’t see healers or tanks say much