5k or bust: I feel bad for fresh 80's

Go away, you’re boring as hell.


The absolute irony coming from someone demanding efficiency from queueing into randoms.

Peak chefs kiss


Missed this part :+1:

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No, I don’t care about that part, it’s simply part of the deal when you queue with randoms.

Your time really isn’t that precious.


Neither is yours to where you can’t grind regulars first. Majority rules, 3-4 people’s time is worth more than yours

They did, that’s why they’re at 210 in the first place.

And shockingly, I’m well aware my time isn’t worth a damned, I’m playing a 15 year old game.

It’s entirely in your own power to fix this too, by just not opting to queue with randoms.

But why do that when you can just blame everyone else?

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The pot calling the kettle black :kissing_closed_eyes: :ok_hand:

There is no demand. But why not kick someone, when a new, better replacement is forthcoming within 10 seconds?

People act like there’s way more drama and malice behind the kick than there really is. It’s just a simple click and then we’re back and running

Yeah, that’s … not what this is :roll_eyes:

The cognitive dissonance lmao.

The deserter buff is the drama and malice. I guess I am out of the loop on the GS addon since it does not grace my UI. I only know is on the characters that are able to join Gamma I start when I can. If people want to kick me I do not hold it against them because you work with what the system is. But the deserter buff does not make sense. Blizzard put the threshold to 200 I level and that is good enough for me. I will queue if I am able.

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There is no guarantee the replacement will be better. They might be worse.


Sounds like an us problem. Don’t worry about it!

If you were doing dungeons before rdf why not just continue making your own? If you weren’t… then what changed?

This is what games are for. They teach us things so that we can minimize risk and know what choices to make. Phrased another way, the destiny of games is to become boring, not to be fun. Those of us who want games to be fun are fighting a losing battle against the human brain because fun is a process and routine is its destination.”

– Raph Koster, A Theory of Fun

Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.

Seeing sub 5k gs people in my group INFURIATES ME

Cause we all know if they were fury they’d never get that chance

I still don’t kick them unless they are actually bad

If you didn’t want RDF why would you be complaining we didn’t have it. I, for one, was content with it not being in the game. I didn’t have a reason to come to the forums /shrug

They completely changed the way LFG works and removed the old tool

There’s a lot of problems with this shoddy, heavily stripped down version of the retail LFG tool that they ported over…finding dungeon groups isn’t one of them

Yeah man, wanting to not get kicked in an easy dungeon and incur a 30 min wait is exactly the same as wanting to be carried in the current raid tier. The mental gymnastics the wow community makes lol