5k or bust: I feel bad for fresh 80's

You can’t even get into a VOA 25M (easy) or TOGC 25M Normal without 5k GS or higher. It’s ridiculous. I have 2 characters that are in that range, but an alt that’s around 4900 and you get treated like garbage. One wipe and you’re the one to go or be skipped.

I don’t know what’s worse RDF or gearscore.

This game used to be fun.


Fun hasn’t been the focus for at least 10 years.


I’d queue for a VOA LFR with personal loot on alts.


My 4600 hunter had no issue running voa, stop being so dramatic :roll_eyes:


Gearscore. 100% gearscore.


Feel free to gear up in regular heroics including those that drop 219 and 232 ilvl gear. You’ll get plenty of emblems to get to 5k GS that way


With RDF, leveling a new character has never been better. Don’t know what you’re on.


I bet you’re one of those ppl that gets pissy when your guild doesn’t carry your undergeared alts through icc


You get kicked from RDF runs <5k.

…And I know you’re one of those people who doesn’t know wtf they are talking about. I just want to get into old raids (TOGC) that my other chars did at a much lower GS at the time. Not looking for carries, 4800-4900 is no slouch, but not 5k? Hard pass.

Agree with scentsy. This is exactly what reg Heroics are for. It’s not that big a commitment to get enough Triumph for 4-5pc T9 and one or two other pieces.

At least for now the queue is reasonably fast and sometimes faster than the gamma queue anyway.

No one gets that mad unless I struck a nerve lol

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What realms are ya’ll on/grouping with that you are being kicked for GS in RDF?

I run RDF gammas on sub 5k GS characters and have never had it be an issue or be kicked because of it. Obviously just because it isn’t happening to me doesn’t instantly mean it isn’t happening but I think it’s gotta be pretty fringe cases. Or just this phases troll topic.

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Wait. Regular heroics drop 232 ilvl loot??? Havent done one since alpha appeared.
Yeah, fresh 80s should absolutely be doing regular H.

edit oh, you probable mean the ICC dungeons… those can be tough for under 5k gear folks unless they know every mechanic (even trash like the exploding skulls in Forge).
Dont think fresh 80s should be doing those.

these complaints are exactly why blizzard put in more appropriate ilvl restrictions in RDF.

Oh no gatekeeping

no, all gammas drop 200-232 gear from every boss and currency to buy items up to 252 ilvl.

You dont, you get kicked for being bad , stop being bad

Idk why people keep trying to act like getting 5k gs is at all hard…

Here he comes…

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No one is saying its hard, but you do have to run content to be able to get it.

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