5k or bust: I feel bad for fresh 80's

No sir, that’s all in your head.
From the Opie-

See above.

You are saying exactly that, that people are getting kicked with a GS that you cant even enter the dungeon with.

To put this in GS perspective, you have to be 4100 to enter a gamma dungeon.

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See above…what? That has nothing to do with what I said

Agreed, and damn does it feel good squash the haters.

You LITERALLY said this:

It’s LITERALLY impossible to queue for Gamma RDF at that GS.

All in my head? Please.


Sorry, I never mentioned RDF or Gammas.
The Opie is referring to ToGC and VoA.

So in actuality, you are the one speaking out of sorts.

hmmmm… looks like your hypothesis was wrong.

So, you’re basically admitting you have zero clue what you’re talking about and are just trying to be confrontational, got it

Lol, I even apologized for the misunderstanding.
Which was entirely on your part.

…but I’m the one being confrontational.
My post was about my willingness to bet that there is more to the story than just getting kicked from a group because you weren’t exactly 5k or higher GS.

Keep digging that hole

Nah, no hole for you.
An Indiana ditch will do.

Just keep running dungeons until you gear up. I’m at around 4.8k on my main currently and I got into a VoA 10 and 25 today. RDF is great because it takes away the gearscore stopper on getting into dungeons and allows new players and alts to get into dungeons and catch up.

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If you’re at 210+ilvl, you have the proper gear. Regular heroics drop 200ilvl gear, so there isn’t any point to doing them once you are over 200ilvl.

210 is plenty. Should be around 4-5k DPS with minimal/self buffs. If you cant blow through a gamma with that baseline, and all the buffs and stuff going on in those dungeons then its 100% a gameplay issue.


Every VoA I join, and they are all class/spec runs now only, there is always a few 4.6k GS hunters and mages and warlocks. And of course there were others 5.6+ that have applied. No one actually cares about GS. Just do the mechanics. If boss takes 30s longer to kill, no one cares.

And in 100+ RDFs I’ve run thus far, no one has ever been kicked or talked down on due to lower GS.

The only people who get kicked are those that AFK and those who are rude.

OP also had zero post count. It’s some troll’s alt. I wouldn’t be surprised that all “oh they kick me” threads are made by 1 guy. All those toons have 0-2 post count.


It’s always wild how you forget that you’re earning emblems for 245 gear by running regular heroics

More proof that you didnt play Wrath back then and still dont play it now.

I see you’re ignoring that Gamma gives emblems AND scourgestones for 245 gear. It’s way more efficient to do Gamma once you are at 210ilvl.

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You really dont

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The community doesn’t owe you efficiency when you’re the one making it slower for everyone else