5k or bust: I feel bad for fresh 80's

Goes both ways. You aren’t entitled to waste people’s time because Blizz says you can queue. Blizz gives us the ability to manage our groups as we see fit

You CHOSE to put yourself in that situation.

You CHOSE to put yourself into a situation where 210 is the requirement.

And you’re throwing an absolute hissy fit that people are showing up with 210.

If it isn’t the consequences of your actions.


No hissy fit thrown, just a quick vote kick and then back to the dungeon. It’s easy and impersonal. No problem on my end, but I can understand why getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar would have you upset

The only thing that upsets me here is how utterly toxic some folks are over a 15 year old game.

People who play 15 year old games thinking their time is oh so precious.


3 people agreed that they don’t want them in their group, that’s democracy.

Oh yes, democracy is when you ship people off to the gulag for 30 minutes.

The gulag

brooooo lol


You think this is a bad analogy given how much you whine about your time spent in a 15 year old game is being wasted?

It’s a hilarious analogy. Just gear, lazy

That’s what they’re trying to do, but some goon who thinks he’s getting paid to play World of Warcraft: Classic is kicking them for it.

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Didn’t know I was stopping you from running regulars, alphas, or betas

You keep trying to make this personal, but nah, that ain’t gonna work.

If they meet the 210 requirement they’re good enough to do the thing.

Everyone deserves at least a chance to prove themselves for half a second, not judged by the cover of the book.

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Being unwilling to gear in your lane is a character issue. Either you’re too lazy to put in the work to carry your weight or you feel entitled to a thing.

Sorry book

Again with the trying to make it personal, you can stop it it aint working.

They aren’t.

They made it to ilvl 210. Which is the requirement.

You’re just arbitrarily pretending to be better than them cause someone carried you in ToC without logging your attempts.

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I’m willing to wager, a lot of these people being kicked, tried entering content with a 2900-3100 GS.

Then when they inevitably get kicked, come crying to the forums “Kicked cause I wasn’t 5k!!”

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Of course lol

So you think they’re getting kicked for entering something they can’t physically enter?

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I mean…ilevel 210 is around 3900ish gs, so it’s literally not even possible to get into gammas that low. Unless someone equips a bunch of unfitting gear to get into the queue and then swaps back to their low level gear, in which case yeah those people need to go

But anyone that actually meets the requirement to queue with appropriate gear has every right to be there


If you grind out badges what is the point of gamma dungeons?

But you are? You are literally wasting like 35-40 minutes of another persons time.

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Right, you gotta grind badges so you can … grind 3 more badges per day.


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