5k or bust: I feel bad for fresh 80's

Oh no im happy with getting random people, YOU arent.

Go make your own group.

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Don’t have to, I can just kick kids I don’t want to play with :+1:

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Why are you unhappy with the system?

Ah, the classic “no, u”

I guess all 11300+ posts can’t be gems, eh?


You are the one kicking, that makes you the unhappy one.

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Cause they don’t get to play in random groups?

Yeah, that’s an understandable anger, to be taken out of the game for 30 mins cause some dweeb decided an arbitrary ever moving ilvl requirement wasn’t met rather than just letting them try.

Oh how I would you tried :frowning:


Wouldn’t have gotten kicked if you did your work beforehand and came with proper gear. No one’s getting kicked from regular heroics because they didn’t gear up

… that’s literally what you’re claiming to do.


Yes this is the issue with RDF folks coming in later to the game. Every single phase has tons of time to gear up and every phase has catch ups…

Now you can breeze to 80 with JJ on and ding in no time and then BAM :boom: hard wall of no progress for you. That’s the story I’ve always heard.

Best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago… Second best time is now…

Regular heroics? The complaints are about gammas. You’re more than welcome to farm emblems for 245s in regular heroics and get some 232s from the ICC dungeons and the HH event

It is hard to get into the raiding scene fast, but if you’re patient and grind out your heroics, and then your Gammas, there are plenty of opportunities to get into the 5k range without raiding.

There is no need to go into gammas if you farm out heroics.

Exactly. Get into the 220s with badge gear and then go into gammas and get twice as many emblems/stones per boss to speed up that run to 245 ilvl

Good lord, so you want them to do regular heroics to get the gear required for Gamma that they’re already queueing for.

So you want people to grind exclusively for badges since the absolute nonsense gear in regular heroics (and how I utterly loathe the term) really isn’t up to your standards.

Yeah, that sounds fun for a newer player.


Man, imagine having to grind for gear in an MMO. No chance a game like that would last 20 years

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The requirement is 210 and easily doable. Give them a bloody chance before you remove them.

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Nah, I’m good

Which is the crux of the argument really, your arbitrary barrier is ever moving.

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Hasn’t moved once. You should be in in the mid 4k GS before hitting gammas. 220 or so is fine. It’s farm content, not progression raiding. People don’t want to take longer to do it because some kid who’ll roll need on bracers or some garbage wants to fast track to ICC



You chose to roll with randoms you get randoms. If you absolutely must zoom through them there’s so many groups in trade and LFG doing exactly that.

Contrary to what Redheadchild might’ve claimed would disappear.