5k or bust: I feel bad for fresh 80's

Those of us using RDF aren’t picky about who we are grouped with.


Ok, that’s different. We’re talking about sub 5k players getting kicked before the first trash mob is even pulled.

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which really doesn’t happen as often as some posters want to make it out to be. The fact that they wont show their characters having the issue speaks volumes


I’ve seen it.

I’ve also seen the vast majority of under 5k GS people who dont have a single gem and don’t respond to party chat at all

Seems some are by the posts being made

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Clowns are, to be fair.

You use RDF, knowingly queueing solo not knowing who you’re gonna get and then complain whine and cry when you get people not up to your standards.

It’s like open game night at your local hockey rink, or whatever. And then you complain your teammates aren’t NHL players.

If you want a bunch of 5600+ that’s exactly what premades are for, and you can still use RDF to teleport in instantly. Sounds to me like you’re the lazy ones not wanting to put in the effort :slight_smile:

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Strange because Im having no issues and am accomplishing my goals. Seems my effort is well rewarded.

And jfy i dont VTK anyone. Just pointing out the juicy irony of a system working as intended

Or they can kick people until they get a group full of pumpers. They are allow to do that.

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Clown logic.

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Oh lord. This old saw…

Statistically a waste of time and malicious. FoS H can be done in like 8 minutes, and you can spend half of that time just trying to find “pumpers”. I was just in an FoS on my newly leveled warlock with another warlock that was 5700… you know what the 5700 warlock dps was on Devourer? 1.7k because they died right after the first mirrored soul, it wasnt mirrored soul that killed them either. And I stayed alive the entire time and was almost 4k, fresh 80… like an hour into 80.

So people going around kicking people because their gear isnt where some snob thinks it should is a waste of time. The time didnt magically go from 8 minutes to 30 minutes because 1 person was a fresh 80 and I clearly wasnt being carried like so many people think people just want.

If we look at overall damage done thoughout that dungeon the 5.7k gs lock did 4.3k dps, I did 3k dps… fresh 80 compared to someone just getting their frost badges.


And I for one am happy with it.
It has its warts, but it’s great for gearing up alts.


what if all the players below 5k reached out and formed their own group?

What if the people who can’t tolerate others in RDF reached out and formed their own group?


Both players are welcome to do that, but it’s clear that the undergeared people are the ones that are unhappy with results of playing in random groups. It’s their responsibility to do something (unless they prefer whining instead)

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why? we can just kick you and move on. what are you gonna do? post at us?


“We don’t like how you’re treating us, make your own group!”

“lol nah”

- this argument

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The “undergeared” players are not unhappy with random groups, its the people kicking others for being “undergeared” that are unhappy with it because they are doing the action, its griefing and there is 0 guarantee that the person that is being replaced is any better than the person you kicked.

Its a waste of time objectively.

So yes, the people who want to dictate who are in their group should make their own group.

I say everyone just starts kicking people from Benediction to start off with. Let that server only group with itself. If its self governing, then just self govern benediction out of the RDF.

That’s a lot of words to say “I’m unhappy with RDF grouping”

See the above suggestion as a possible solution :slight_smile:

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