5k or bust: I feel bad for fresh 80's

It’s surprisingly easy. There are def some times where there can be plateaus on the way to 5K (trinkets can be frustrating to get sometimes) but 5K isn’t unreachable or difficult in 99% of cases.

My issue is that its slower to gear alts when they need it, and faster to gear people who don’t need it. Add the naxx and ulduar drops to regular heroics as well.

he said regular heroic. I’m aware of gamma drops.

All of the threads wanting RDF have been replaced by threads complaining about it. It’s funny. People wanted it. People got it.

My alt hit 5k 48hrs after hitting 80. It has never been quicker

I mean, I was pretty vocal in wanting it, and I’m pretty content with what we got.

These are people who never wanted RDF, they just wanted to argue about something.


just tell them the gs they want to hear. works every time.

Ok That answers easy gs 9999999999999% Was way worse for the game rdf Only affects Dungeons gs Affects every single part of the game pvp and pve.

Secondly rdf Was a good feature And it should have been in at the beginning of wrath Because let’s be honest nobody plays wrath to level.

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RDF itself is fine. The problem is with the gatekeepers who are deliberately trying to ruin it for everyone.


So people using the system handed to them?

Malicious vote kicks are not what Blizzard intended.


Don’t attribute malice to accountability

RDF came out in the exact same time period that it did last time… why you people comolaining? I started playing Wrath again because of it. I wanna spend minutes or even hours looking for a group, I got Classic to do that in, or retail trying to form key groups. I dont need that headache in every single mode of WoW that I play. RDF is just fine. You dont like it? Dont do it. No one is stopping you from making your own group with a bunch of friends and downing the content. Right now, as it stands, if you are not fully epicced out, then only you are stopping you from moving forward. No one else is preventing you from doing good.

And who determines what is and isn’t “malicious”

No no, blizzard gave the players the tools to police their own dungeons and they are doing just that. This is the system and how it works. If people don’t like RDF they can form their own groups. Isn’t that what people were saying before RDF?

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it’s not malicious, they want their run to go faster more than they want to carry you out of the goodness of their hearts. RDF didn’t magically solve the issue of human beings

I had this thought too, If everyone does gammas and not heroics anymore. How does a fresh 80 break out into the gearing process. I guess they just farm gold and buy BOE’s until their item level is just high enough to start doing ICC 5 mans.

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They can form their own group if they want fast runs full of pumpers. Instead they are demanding random people in RDF meet their arbitrary requirements. The vote kicks are absolutely malicious.

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Im not sure what my gs used to be back in the original wrath but i had no problems getting into VoA with no raid gear in phase 4, i blame the new Gen Meta community

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Why doesnt this go both ways?

and I have run dozens and dozens of groups with low GS players that werent kicked. I have kicked people, mostly because they wouldn’t listen to calls or mechanics