55 Days for a Ticket

What a joke this has become people cant even redeem TCG Codes not one blue says or replies to anything and we bump other threads in hope of an answer. 2 Months for a ticket from customer support absolutely wild.

The good news is the wait time is not actually that long, but, I believe they temp disabled the ability to claim these due to a problem/exploit that was found.


I have a ticket for a mailbox issue that is like that long

You also have a thread open to receive assistance with stuck mail, which a Blizzardian can help with.


sorry if i was hijack the thread just commented on how long support tickets are

Something can be found, what matters is the response time from Devs…it’s like they can only handle tuning and seasonal content.

Never forget when tmogs were removed during SL development and it’s still missing…

You didn’t hijack anything. You can post here.

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