52 Hours into FFXIV and Bored out of my mind

They’re overhauling the entire PVP system for Endwalker. The new pvp system will be released in 6.1. It looks very promising so far, but, will have to wait until it’s actually released to see if it’ll be more popular or not.

Try not to house any of it in the same vein as WoW, it helps. Right now, you’re hip deep in the story where you’re a “god killer” for so-called Beast races (aka, the Primals like Ifrit, Ramuh, etc.).

Primals can override free will in virtually anyone, but you start off protected because as new Warrior of The Light. Then Midgardsormr (to your knowledge) severs that connection, gives you a Samuel L. Jackson speech, and starts showing up in baby mode to mock you / motivate you. He’s definitely not in baby mode to be cute…

This is the part I don’t really get. The story of FFXIV is actually way more Western than anyone gives it credit for. The way the story embraces you as an adventurer helping the common person, to a seasoned veteran, is straight up old school tabletop RPG stuff. Then again, I probably didn’t mind this, because I started off in old school tabletops, and still play / DM them.

Granted, the behavior and reactions of some NPCs is uniquely Japanese at times, but a quick look at the creative team explains that. The funny thing is, FFXIV paladins are possibly THE most paladin class I’ve ever played in any game.

The only thing I find weird, is the polar opposites of the FFXIV / WoW fanbases.


Yeah smart move sharing this with wow players on a wow forum. Remind me next to I got a Japanese Restaurant for some sushi to talk about how much I love burgers to everyone in there. It makes just as much sense

I’m about to start Shadowbringers content, so clearly a newbie in the game, and still playing WoW, but…

Cut scenes have more dialog after ARR. And, in fact, while the story of ARR is a bit slow-moving, it ends well, and Heavensward has some excellent moments, story-wise as well.


FFXiV is weeb game and wow is a furry game.

Cow people, goat people, wolf people, fox people.

I like both games but I see no reason to take you seriously if you are going to just make fun of FF as a “weeb game” when wow is clearly furry game.

Seriously I use to call my fury warrior a “furry warrior” cause he was a Tauren that was specked fury.

And honestly FFXIV isn’t as weeb like as most people think or try to put out. It has its moments but it’s not bad. Maybe hildabrand has a lot of Japanese style comedy that would be “weeb” like.

As for story….Warcraft hasn’t had a good story since Warcraft 3 and maybe that xpac called Wrath of the lich king. I hear that finally finished the arthas story after a decade of waiting. Oh yea and then blizzard decided to take that Lore in SL and retcon the best part of Warcraft. I totally forgot. That’s some awesome story telling isn’t it? Taking a decade to finish something then years later retcon it Lol omg that’s the best way to tell a story.

Yea both games the story isn’t “omg awesome” but I feel FFXIV did a better job at story tellin in an MMO than wow has ever done. Also I know it’s said a lot but heavensward starts you on better story telling and shadow bringers is the best….but again MMOs aren’t all that great for story even FFXIV struggles but they still pull miles ahead of wow. Wows story telling has been a joke for a long time.

You have to remember old blizzard liked MMos and decided to try it. Vanilla and TBC didn’t exactly have a story. Yea some high end quest like ony and BT but for the most part we were just some random adventurer. I think what made wow “Fun” was its originally didn’t take its self seriously. It was a great time filler style game and it did it well. It’s a no brain game and that’s why it was so popular. It also took out a lot of “hardcore” aspects that most MMOs had at the time.

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If WoW was a furry game it would feed into furry culture. if anything it flat ignores its furry characters.

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Cow people, goat people, wolf people, fox people, panda people.

Oh yea I forgot about druids!!! Yes dude it’s a furry game.

With your logic My Hero is a furry anime. When an actual furry anime would be Beastars…

Even in this expansion not a single significant lore figure is a “Furry”

You do know wow players used the same logic toward FFXIV because cat girl people and Bunny people.

I’m just using the same logic wow players use.

Sorry but wow has more Furry races than FF…. It makes wow a very furry game full of Fur.

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Theres no prominent Tauren,Vulpera,Worgen or whatever character in Shadowlands or even BFA.

Baine…….and grey……

Yea SL isn’t very focused on something’s but that’s one xpac. Do you even read the Warcraft books? Cause you see some furry involvement in them.

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So Greymane whos always walking around as a human and Baine whos done nothing the last two expansions but get captured then saved… Yeah the narrative is driven totally by these two characters.

Did Baine even do anything in Legion or WOD…??

Your whole point is “our furry races aren’t as involved in the story”

Yet you forget that this game still has many furry races that are playable. The wow community I’ve noticed don’t like furry….yet the game has a lot of options. People make fun of other games just to make fun of them. Look at how people trash wow now that they moved to FFXIV. Less than a year ago many of the same players were trashing FFXIV for Furry because of Cat girls….lol

Both games have “furry” races and some as main characters. Who cares it’s a game I don’t care if it has them or not. I just enjoy the game. I don’t care if FFXIV seems “Weeb like” because honestly wow feels the same way. Most fan art for wow looks like some sort of Anime.

Who cares!!! lol

Also FFXIV had like 1 main Furry characters for a long time. It wasn’t till Shadowbringers that we got a 2nd.

Elf twins, human, human, elf who speaks in old English, cat girl, 2 gnomes, and another human.

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Yeah cause its a weeb game with most of the main characters being Weeb-esque

The dialogue in FF14 puts me to sleep.

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Lfmao wow look like a weeb game as well. night elves, belfs and goat people look like anime characters. Panda and fox people look even worse. Wow has always been made fun for its art style by other games. That’s why this whole discussion is hilarious. Seriously you all are saying the same things that GW and ultima fans made fun of wow for. Wow was always considered a joke by other MMO communities. That was because of its Weeb like art style and lack of “Hard core” mechanics that other MMos had.

“Ffxiv is too weeb like” LMFAO look at the red dragon Alexstraza from wow she looks like some Anime Dragon chick LMFAO

Wow is an American Game made using a Weeb like art style LMFAO

It’s been funny watching wow players Trash on FFXIV for a decade only to see most of the community leave wow to play it. All the things the call FFXIV are the same things wow has had for longer.

I think my favorite complaint is “2 second GCD too long” we’ll if you made it past level 20 you might realize that FFXIV has lots of Off GCD abilities. Combat feels much faster at high end and even faster than wow.

Seriously the wow community makes fun of other games for having the same features cause “it’s not wow” you all need to go to rehab cause you all got some serious addiction to wow and it made you blind.

Have fun looking at the Weeb dragon.


Your point was thrown in the mud and youre just saying random gibberish now lol.

Weeb dragon