Yeah that’s Midgardsormr. He’s based off of Norse Mythology. Heavensward has a ton of Western High Fantasy elements to it. In fact a lot of the final fantasy games have western elements to it.
Leveling solo in FF actually is pretty boring, but I like it more than WoW because there’s always someone to talk to in novice network. Yeah without novice network I’d probably be bored outta my gourd while leveling.
It doesn’t. Unless you mean queuable raids like LFR, in which case yeah FF does it better.
Casual content, social activities, crafting, story, music, transmog and dev communication is generally what that game is so highly praised for. If you’re playing it to get better raids than WoW I think you’re in for a disappointment.
Some people repeatedly run dungeons like they’re playing Pac Man, some people get a hold of professions and go Minecraft/Second Life with it. Thankfully, FFXIV is one of the very few games remaining that even bother to give players the choice to do it.
Personally, the satisfaction I get from crafting up some master weapons for new Samurai, Dark Knights and Machinists who are just reaching Heavensward after the vanilla crawl…nothing like it.
Midgardsormr, the King of Dragon Kings. The spirit of the huge dragon that was wrapped around virtually the entire dungeon…he literally rips the Blessing of Light off of you, that you’ve had since the very opening of the game.
I get not being caught up in the very beginning story, where they’re explaining RPGs to people that have never heard the word ‘adventurer’. However, even in the Vanilla of ARR, things start picking up once you fight Ifrit in your 20s.
Have you literally been plowing through all of the cutscenes? Has none of the political intrigue going on towards the end of Vanilla caught your eye? Do you have a favorite Primal or Primal fight? Also, what classes are you playing?
I always say, IF you can get invested in the story, FFXIV’s leveling can be entertaining. But if you AREN’T invested, it’s by far one of the worst leveling experiences of any MMORPG, just because the sheer volume of quests that are nothing but running back and forth between NPCs to read Dialogue. It’s even worse in the Expansions tbh (although, like most people, I’d argue the storytelling gets better, so it’s kind of like they just double down on it).
That said, FFXIV has a surprising amount of grounded storytelling for a “chosen one” type story. Also, Shadowbringers reveals a whole lot about the nature of that whole thing. Lots to wade through before it gets to that point, but it was a really neat expansion story-wise, IMO. Fleshes out one of the main recurring bad guy factions a metric buttload, too.
Some people don’t like FFXIV’s story, and for them, they will probably not find it to be fun. For others who like a good story (particularly once you get into Heavensward and beyond), it is a great game.
End game is pretty good, dungeons are okay, crafting is useful, and alt-leveling is fantastic. It is absolutely NOT a game for people who want to focus on PvP, or who want to show off how big their DPS meters are. Elitism is frowned upon there, competition is replaced with cooperation, and toxic players are driven out.
This is entertainment. It is all about selling products and services at a profit. Features of games are intended to make them more popular so that more sales are made. Videogames are not important. They do not improve the world. They advance nothing.
It actually bugs me how strong crafted gear is. It kills my motivation to actually do content for my power progression when the BoEs on the Market Board are going to be my 2nd BiS all the time.
(keyword: ‘my’ – I know Savage Raiding and such would provide another extra step up if I did it)
I started playing ffxiv recently but don’t think I can stick with it. It’s probably because I need pvp in most games that I play and wow fills that void while also being an RPG which is my favorite genre.
Thanks for explaining this to me, no I’ve been reading the cuts cutscenes actually I guess I’m just not getting immersed at all cause I saw this little dragon and just assumed he was like a Wrathion situation
I entiearly understand. Jrpg’s have their own tropes and bad writing. They’re also prone to the same trap as other games. Writing is frequiently so bad that anything better then “awful” gets praise heaped upon it.
Combine this with the battered wow refugees (who yes do have good reason to change) looking to make a new home and you get a whole lot of over-hype for final fantasy’s generic anime plot.
Coming from wow the focus is radically diffrent, the game is slower in every aspect and the locked down story elements you’re expected to buy into are major stumbling blocks for some. You’re not wrong in the least for finding it boring. I lasted maybe an hour
I’d like to try it but the US servers only like US IP’s. I don’t have that. And I don’t play vpn games. Those burn out. and at some point some vpn’s go…we give up. Why I have Japanese netflix now not US. Netflix US ain’t scared to burn tunnels.
I’d need the wife to read the Japanese site and pay lol. 48 years old. I don’t ask “mommy” for game money…Well that I am big on buying a mount then saying oh I bought it.
Now there is supposed to be an OCE server setup soon. assuming not gauged pricing like the kiwi’s and aussies are used to…maybe I can hop on that setup.