52 Hours into FFXIV and Bored out of my mind

And the story isnt good… honestly had more fun doing the classic WoW questlines than this cringy weeb nonsense… I am going to stick until 60 hours to say I gave it a fair chance… literally playing the game… the plot is just cringy saturday morning weeb stuff and Im so tired and feel like i’ve wasted so much time playing this nonsense… honestly cant wait to finish this and come back to WoW.

Launch Shadowlands story had me so invested… even BFA, doing the war of thorns and then uniting Zandalari so they could join the Horde, the war campaign, going to the ocean floor collection that infamous corpse.


Cool story?


The simple reason that FF14 is more popular then wow is due to the end-game, you always have something to do unlike in wow where there is nothing worth doing…


I got at least 30 hours in comp stomp to fix renown. bored out of my mind…

mmo end game, any mmo, sucks. SP I find way easier to spice it up.

Grind the main for effect, or make an alt. and grind them. 4+ hours into a sv hunter level from 50 to 55…my outlook on has not changed. its interesting but…it still has the same issue. lost dps when tank likes to stand in the poop. And plaguefall loves to put poop on the floor.

I can ride that out with DK/DH self heals on attacks. Exhilaration on cd…yeah…lets not stand in the poop till it clears. or tank shifts location.

Liking it solo better…but that will fade at 60 if reached. Korthia awaits. It looms ominously. Like the headsman as I am dragged to the chopping block.

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FFXIV? New World is were all the action is. Or was that Genshin Impact?

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The simple reason FF is more popular than wow is the same reason you see a lot of people who did nothing to the humanity being elected for prizes in magazines like “People”.
Popularity is a measure of how something can appeal for different scales of skill, culture, taste and interest. It has nothing to do, and in most cases is opposed to be being efficient, advanced or important.

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Pretty good one that. NIce time killer that runs on my ipad.


Honestly doubting that ffxiv end game is even worth me playing even more hours.

I could make a new character in WoW and have fun within the first few hours… me playing ffxiv and troging through 50+ hours of cringe weeb story has not been worth it at all.


If you hate the story that much then you can buy a skip and jump to end game. Yes, the story is front and center and a big part of the introduction, but there’s more to FFXIV than just the story. I’d recommend trying other parts of FFXIV before writing it off completely - dungeons, raids, leveling alt jobs, sightseeing log, crafting, etc.


I highly doubt FFXIV is making better raid encounters then World Of Warcraft, wow has problems but making good raids has never been a problem


“Weeb this” “Weeb that” way to appropriate my culture…… the game isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but saying it’s a “Weeb game” is pretty offensive. The game was created for the Japanese market. It’s primary target is the Japanese audience. Just because it’s from Japan or has anime style graphics doesn’t mean it’s “Weeb.”


I don’t even know if I’ll be able too… I’ve truly struggled playing this game in the last week …I don’t think I can force myself to get in the situation where I’m going to raid and it being an enlightened moment for me

Is it only the story that’s bothering you, or is there more to it?

EDIT: If it is raiding that you’re into, be prepared for it to feel quite different. My initial impression is that it’s odd compared to WoW and not for everyone. I’m still not certain how I feel about FFXIV end game since I am still in the process of unlocking end game instances and I’ll have to start all over again in a few weeks lol with the new xpac coming out.

Don’t think you understand what a weeb is… It’s a westerner obsessed with Japanese culture, particularly Anime. It’s not appropriating anything, also that term is dumb. The point of culture is to be shared, if you don’t share it then it stops existing.


I actually had a lot of fun with the crafting, it’s way more involved than wow crafting. Although from what I can tell, similarly pointless.

Not at all. The crafted gear is comparable to end game gear bought with tokens or gained from raids. It’s a little less stat wise, but the fact that you can overmeld it makes up for it. For that reason it’s also great for crafting classes, because the more stats you can melt on the better.

On top of that there are cosmetic clothes and weapons, housing items, etc.


Considering the last 2 raids were complete trash IMO, they might be. The FF ones are just boss fights though for the most part so I think I actually would prefer that to spending 20 minutes running around the Terragrue arena before the actual fight. They also at least have a reason to keep doing them. WoW raids have gotten kind of weird to the point where you get significantly better gear from doing Mythic+ than the heroic raid, and as soon as season 2 started no one had any reason to go back and do Nathria. Not that anyone would want to since it was the only raid for about 7 or 8 months.

Yea but early game it’s 100% pointless, can get better gear way cheaper and easier just by running a couple dungeons while leveling.

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The races are boring, I’ve swapped classes but the combat feels static and like I am playing Lord of the rings online, I hate all the invisible walls… *These have disappeared after I played through ARealmREborn but all those invisible walls in ARR made the entire begining of the game feel terrible.

The classes i’ve leveled in this time have been Guardian->Paladin, Rogue, Black mage, Dark knight.

So it isnt just the story… the game has so much dialogue but no voice acting. *WoW has quest text but for this big “FOCUS” on story and all this HYPE about how good the story is… I do not see, like when I personally think of a MMORPG with a good RPG/Storytelling I think of SWTOR or ESO… you know those games have voice acting and tons of interactable dialouge…in FFXIV im just a robot walking around, I get no input and everyone keeps calling me the chosen one thats so great and the savior of the entire universe.

Um I know what a Weeb is….And I’m saying it’s offensive to my culture to call it a weeb game just because it’s from Japan or has the anime art style. People these days associate things that come from Asia as Weeb these days. It’s offensive.