52 Hours into FFXIV and Bored out of my mind

See this it’s the story of the Weeb dragon XD

Most of your point have been more on the Standard wow troll. Not my 1st time I’ve talked with you. I’ve continued to speak more towards other than you directly. I know I can’t convince someone like yourself, mostly cause you are here not for practical conversation.

You do realize Axestraza doesnt even depict an eastern dragon and the whole humanoid/Draconic appereance is a long D&D TROPE… I cant even think of an anime where Dragons turn into humans??

So youre just saying random gibberish after your furry game arguement fell flat. FFXIV is a weeb game through and through.

World of Warcraft being a western Fantasy game is what it is, From Orcs, to dragons in caves, Dwarves,Drows,Elves…

Have you seen dragons in the other game?

Yes they use the western dragon, the thing is your point is claiming Alexstraza is Anime or “weeb” which makes no sense.

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I do want to point this out again. Other games made fun of wow for being Anime like. This time it’s just wow players doing it to another game. The neckbeards have come full circle XD

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Never been a thing, they called it cartoony… you have zero idea what you were talking about since you came to this thread.

Yes cartoony that’s what anime is. It’s just another style. When I use to asked people to describe it they would say “that Japanese style” I would say “you mean anime” they would go “Yea that, I hate that stuff”

That was my experience with it if you had something different from people then cool. We are two different people.

To me why I liked wow is because it looks like an anime.

Even the boondocks looks like an anime FFS. American culture got swarmed with Anime art style in the 90s and it’s influenced a lot of our cartoons, games and how even shows look. Same with movies. Most stuff now days has some hint of it.

If you don’t like it get yourself a time machine cause I don’t think it’s going away.

Oh yea that dragon argument you brought up….you do know we had an xpac called “Mist of Pandaria” what dragons did we get as mounts? Alexstraza might not turn into one but that Huminoid version looks like an anime chick.

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^ Pretty much this; The Last Airbender, RWBY, and the original Teen Titans are three more that come to mind.

The term “anime” is used only by westerners; the Japanese call their own stuff cartoons just like we do. I watched Batman Ninja a few weeks ago - the same DC Batman westerners love with all the characters and crime-fighting, done completely by a Japanese animation studio:

Even Marvel had their influences from anime - The Marvel Mangaverse

What is the quest line?

What zone did you start in?

What character did you choose?

What upgraded class did you choose?

What crafts did you choose?

Really? And all these years I thought a “weeb” was a little egg-shaped toy that would always wobble but never fall down…

Oops. That’s a “weeble”. My bad.


Like?.. :thinking:

I thought that’s what you call drunk Tauran. We bulls wobble but we don’t fall down😀

Ps, I used to have some of those growing up.

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Depends on what you like. There are raids, trials, alliance raids, dungeons, mount and appearance farming, housing, maps, hunts, fates, mini games ala gold saucer and triple triad, leveling classes, content specific to crafters and gatherers*, etc. Not to mention the stuff RPers put on. Thinks like nightclubs, concerts, etc.

I know some of those you can do in WoW too… but for the appearance and mount farming FF14 kinda wins for me. I like that I can try more than once a week, and that there is bad luck protection built in to a lot of them.

*Stuff like this is crafter/gatherer specific fates and turn in with quests attached. Things like the Ishgard Restoration, or Custom Deliveries.


I’m about a bajillion hours into WoW and I’m not bored. :slightly_smiling_face:

[Citation needed]