50/50 ToGC is easily the most toxic I've ever seen raiding

Player A spent $150,000 on gold to buy glaives.

Player B just raids with his guild.

Player B got lucky and both glaives dropped.

Player A never seen a glaive drop in any of his raids.


*player b wasn’t the gm so they didn’t get glaives

But player A bought gold and I thought if you bought gold all of your gear magically drops week 1?

that’s sort of an extreme because the chance is so low

you can buy basically anything else

My GM never got a main hand to drop

We ran BT every week and It never dropped but we had 3 off hands.

So yes it does happen

This is why everyone laughs when people bring up pay 2 win in wow.

If your definition of p2w is so watered down you think wow is p2w then literally every MMO would be p2w to you.

i don’t play typical p2w games much, but isn’t a big part of it random chance. Like in diablo immortal you buy crest to increase the odds you get good loot. or open packs in hearthstone or madden. someone that is lucky plays free might get better stuff, but on avg you will have better cards/gear.

if you bought a million gold you had a far better chance to get glaives than someone else. The only real exception is if you made a good guild as a gm, and gave them to yourself. Even then the gm did massively more work for it.

How does the amount of gold a player has equate to better drop rates? Maybe this is true in a GDKP setting but that still requires the item to drop regardless.

I play P2W games, some would call me a whale in those games. WoW is not a P2W game, there is no player power being offered in the store, there are no booster items, no exp increase bonuses for purchase, no player power tied to store purchases, nada. The most you can do is scrape the bottom of the barrel for the one per account boost, which is in no way required to play the game.

Star Wars the Old Republic Online is a great example of P2W, without needing to resort to mobile games:
-wanna wear epic gear? pay to unlock the privilege.
-wanna access high end content? pay for a key for limited attempts.
-want a third profession slot open? pay.
-more character slots? pay.

Compare that to a one time per account boost, which gives trash gear and like 40G and WoW is not at all pay to win.

You want to label the game as P2W because bad actors buy gold, not because the game is actually P2W.

you can’t win at wow, its impossible, “pay2getgear” sounds a lot less sinister though. If player A is a fresh guy playing wow and he spends 20,000 usd on wow tokens, what’s he gonna do with the 20k usd worth of gear he has? lol, he has won? or has he eliminated the fun aspects of the game to skip to a fictional endgame he has for himself?

I guess he’ll do higher numbers in that gdkp next week, then what? start saving wow tokens for the next tier? quit? try to join a guild who wants a guy who never played the game before and got carried for 20k usd through togc 5 times? I’m sure that will go well…

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Bis for Combat rogue in ICC, so probably warrior as well

Seems like the answer is ferals, warriors, combat rogues & mm hunters

because it guarantees you get the item if it drops. normal ppl need to share with everyone else.

So does Hard Reserving something. does that equate to being P2W as well?

So you can indeed get the item without needing to buy gold. In your own words.

again, it’s about probability

in a gdkp, you only need an item to drop once to get it. In a guild, you might need to see it drop like 5x to get it.

Only one person can get it.

24 others will lose and get that juicy cut and be in better shape to bid on it next week.

Instead of rely in the horrible system of /roll and lose it to someone’s offspec that they will never use, you get a piece of the pie.

Additionally, why would it matter anyway? You don’t compete with each other for raid spots, you don’t even attend the same raids.

I fail to see how this is not just as valid when reversed. You’re creating more hurdles than really exist to push your view point on P2W.

Buying gold does not increase the probability of an item dropping.

You also haven’t addressed how HRing an item to be guaranteed to get it if it drops fits your previous scenario.

Everything in game can be worked towards and obtained regardless of how much gold a player has. This in and of itself deflates P2W arguments.

Probs not worse than spirit … Just saying ;p

do you honestly think that a new player coming to wow in ICC will ever stand a chance to enter icc without weeks of grinding?
Unlike the player who would pay Irl money and enter icc the first day he ding 80.

Yes, RNG dependent, you CAN gear up rather painlessly for ICC without needing weeks of a grind to do so. It’s just takes a bit of work. Even if it did take a month of grinding the game still isn’t P2W as there are no built in, for purchase, options to skip gearing at max level. Not even the gear from the one time boost is considered good gear at lvl 70.

There is currently nothing built into the game to skip that grind outright. Nothing you can buy outright from blizzard to side step the gearing process at 80.

Can still walk out with nothing of use, because gold doesn’t negate RNG or other people bidding. The items are also available without ever buying gold, which also defeats the argument of this being a P2W game.

apperantly you never played any pay2win games & that’s why you don’t even know what is pay2win…let me tell you that pure p2w games…
player A can pay $150k on shop for Rng upgrades for scroll enhancement or loot boxes & find nothing
Player B can login events daily and be super lucky to obtain those high end scrolls enhancement.

that’s exactly the same as your example and for obvious reasons the games are still considered pay2win

we’re not talking about luck with drops…because in WOW if you’re rich you’ll have a higher chance on getting best gear over regular people because simply you have the power to take every single item that drop for your class in any gdkp you join on any fresh character…this is impossible for any player to loot everything that drops even if he’s the GM of the guild unless the LC is corrupt.


a new player joining wow now will never catch up unless he/she pays irl money for gold and this is why token exists atm because if he/she won’t pay then he/she will waste endless hours on farming tons of things and might not catch up to end tier…But if he pays? then GG he/she can raid current highest raids with ease and win any item he/she wants.