The model of raiding I was referring to was one players messing up wiping the entire raid constantly. Sorry if that flew over your head.
No, it is about the toxicity from the players…
The model of raiding I was referring to was one players messing up wiping the entire raid constantly. Sorry if that flew over your head.
No, it is about the toxicity from the players…
it’s not about difficult content, it’s about the loot system, which is never used again, because it’s terrible.
They’re not complaining about carrying bad players. They’re upset that they can’t carry their friends due to the loot system. Normally a wipe is just a mild annoyance
If they wanted to carry their friends they really shouldn’t flame them.
The 50/50 is fine…it helps highlight under-performers and people who are lazy and making simple mistakes.
At this point who cares, the game is a RMT fest.
Since the 25m raid of this phase is so short, I’ve been able to run main roster in two 5/5 guilds. I’ve also surveyed a few times in 2 other 5/5 guilds, helping out friends’ guilds having roster issues or whatever. One I just picked up scrap loot that woulda gone to offspec/DE, other one their gbank paid gold, no chance of loot, temporary fill until they’re able to recruit someone. Both of those survey guilds are all set now, so it’s back to gdkps on the alts. Couple gdkps go 5/5 but no 50/50 yet. Most are still 4/5.
Out of all these different guilds/raids/runs, I’ve noticed the thing that REALLY determines how the raids go, isn’t individual player skill. No mistakes from any particular person have ever been the reason for a 50/50 being lost. They did show quite abit during progression, but not really afterwards.
One raid pretty much gets 50/50 no issues in and out, ulduar skip run afterwards, less than 1 hour total. One raid is pretty close, 48’s and 49’s every week, but extremely slow, reassigning things every fight etc. The other ones are highly variable week to week.
I have to say from what I’ve seen, the biggest difference is efficacy in raid leading. And a distant 2nd is how aware the tanks are, and then even more distant 3rd is variations in strategy. And then like lightyears distant 4th is individual player skill, with the exception of tank ofc, which is the #2 spot. I mean how can it be individual player skill FFS this is togc come on now…
People are stupid so probably will happen. What a waste of money
never did a mythic raid huh? 1 person dies, its a wipe. 1 person messes up 1 mechanic, and the raid dies.
then you try again with no penalty…
Op is talking about the reward system not the difficulty.
The reward system causes the toxicity not the difficulty. In mythic raising you expect to wipe 200+ times but the rewards don’t change. In this raid 1 wipe loses rewards and that breeds a toxic mentality.
RmT iS nOt A pRoBlEm
tbf that’s probably a botter simping a streamer.
By subjective, would you consider it a reasonable amount of time that someone can get it for free long before the person who bought gold could get it?
It is fun and poops on cheese parse strats.
Pay to win for Shadowmourne for example would be paying money to get extra Shards to drop that otherwise wouldn’t exist. But someone who didn’t pay can still get it for free, just slower.
Or their suggestion of a Super Shadowmourne that is otherwise completely unobtainable.
Both of those are pay to win. Both are also very different. The latter is just much more obviously pay to win.
Don’t worry, you will have a couple of months to get it. If you don’t ever get a cloak, 277s will be available in H ICC 25
is it actual bis for anyone in icc? doubt it
let me tell you an example between players who pay irl money and who doesn’t.
let’s say 2x player dinged 80 today.
PlayerA a new player who ding 80 today and wish to catch up with current tier raiding.
1st he/she need to put insane amount of time to farm dungeons for starting point
2nd he/she need to find a guild if new to server with no friends then…
3rd he/she need to put insane effort to prove his/her worth
4th he/she need to endlessly farm gold for best enchants/sockets and w/e coming
PlayerB a new player who ding 80 today but he will pay $$$ to buy gold (tokens from official shop)
1st being green geared yet jump in one of those gdkp as pure buyer with tons of gold to take any item that drop for his/her class
2nd can still buy 10 HM/HC uld/togc to get what he/she can
3rd instant proff leveling, buying any highend epic boe, socket with best enchants/gems
GG… paying real money will magically gear him/her in no time & will give him/her huge advantage over the player who doesn’t pay in same time frame. “that’s what is called pay2win”
Guys: your 272 cloak will be useless once cataclysm classic arrives, you’ll have to level to 85.
Let me tell you about a new recruit that is being geared up to get ICC… They get 6-7 pieces of loot for free the first week theyre in a raid with that team.
Every example you guys have of pay to win is easily countered by someone getting stuff for free and getting geared faster. WoW players definitions of pay to win is so weak
Just like with the shadowmourne shards example someone gave earlier. Every guild already has their shadowmournes picked out and we arent even close to ICC yet. Those guys arent paying for shards