No it’s not because of the internal cool down, so when that proc is over bro. You’re just sitting there without any other beneficial stats. The trinket at that point just becomes an empty slot to you.
The proc value alone doesn’t make that trinket even remotely close to being BiS for ret. You have all this ArP and nothing to use it on because guess what. Ret paladins don’t have spells that require that in the first place.
You can say the same thing about a lot of trinkets for my class like Flare of the heavens, but at least I’m still getting value out of the crit it provides for me. As for Trinkets like Reigns. I would have to hardcast like 20 SBs before I even see any real value out of that trinket. Ya the SP is nice, but there’s no true value when it comes to using that trinket.
If you look up Reigns and see what it actually does and see where it says “You gain a Mote of Flame each time you cause a non-periodic spell critical strike.” it’s a no brainer for Affliction Locks, Demo Locks, and any other dot class to stay away from that trinket. It’s a no brainer for us at that point.
No it doesn’t bro. I promise you that. Stop trying to troll.
Yeah 100% because of the return value bro. I just said that. I would have to cast a zillion SBs before I see any real return from that trinket. I play a dot class. Most of my damage comes from periodic spells. That trinket builds motes off of non-periodic spells, so why would I even want that trinket in the first place when there are trinkets a few items lower that will give me a better return value? It’s common sense.
Here is a breakdown of a recent parse of mine.
19.26% Seal of Corruption 16.8% Melee
9.8% Judgement of Corruption
9.74% Consecration
7.9% Righteous Vengeance
7.58% Hand of Reckoning 7.56% Divine Storm 7.15% Crusader Strike
6.66% Seal of Corruption DOT
3.34% Exorcism
2.81% Hammer of Wrath
1% Holy Wrath
31.51% is Physical, the rest is holy dmg. Majority is Holy.
Because they were bis for my class p2 and are still pretty good boots until I get better boots. That’s clearly a no brainer which clearly leads me to think that you’re just trolling bro or you just love talking to me.
We’re better off just letting this man go into p4 thinking he’s getting a good trinket and when he gets out damaged by other rets still using verdict and greatness. Then he’ll learn.
Exactly the point I was making, he seems to think that cause DBW is technically BiS for rets it stops being BiS for warriors which is, of course, ludicrous.