50/50 ToGC is easily the most toxic I've ever seen raiding

I know people who have accounts to store their excess gold on and will do it just to troll a warrior.

Ok, so that 1 in 1000 gdkp, this will happen. It doesn’t make it the truth 99% of the time.

But the proc is why it’s so good lol.

OK, but bearing in mind that this conversation started cause someone said “it’s bad for ret” which is clearly not the case.

It’s definitely better for others which I’ve never disagreed with :stuck_out_tongue:

You didn’t have to go through that length to prove to a troll that DBW is trash for rets.
When it a world where there are some people who think DBW is good for rets, but don’t realize that there are far better trinkets for them.

I might as well tell my guild I want reigns because of the SP when clearly the proc on that trinket SUCKS for affliction.

I’ve clearly said, over and over, that in a guild things are different and I, who main a ret, would never take it over someone who gains more from it.

I don’t know how to make this any clearer for you cause you’re clearly not actually reading my posts, just responding to whatever catches your eye.

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I am just saying, that it is not BIS for ret.

Deathbringers will is a dps downgrade vs Deaths Choice + Tiny Abom

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In addition, I do not think the sims are taking into account seal procs with the trinket proc.

If that ends up being the case Tiny abom will skyrocket dps.

A lot of that hinges on the implementation of Tiny Abomination in a Jar, but since it’s a server side script we won’t actually know precisely how it’s implemented till someone has it and can do testing.

The sims do not take this into account, it will sim higher if it does.

It is, currently, taking into account seal procs as seen on videos from the past.

But we simply won’t know till it’s out.

Just give it to the holy paladin for his ret offspec. That’s the funniest way to troll the warrior.

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I’m reading bro. You’re just changing up now since you got other rets proving you wrong.

Don’t go back on what you said now bro. Might as well own up to it now Mr. DBW will be BiS for rets p4.

I’m not going back on what I said whatsoever.

I best not tell you about the Ruby Sanctum trinket then :wink:

You can’t tell me what I already don’t know brother. :wink:

Ohh no bro. Stand by what you said first.

Yeah, that part I will definitely believe.

Okay, now I want 10 solid reasons why you think DBW will most likely be bis for ret. Start listing them right now.

10? What nonsense is this?

It’s just a high level trinket with a crazy proc, all there is to it.

There’s not 10 reasons for any item in WoW being BiS for anyone.

And Again bro.

Crazy proc =/= Return Value

If you’re basing your argument off of the proc alone your not willing because there are better trinkets that will give you better stats and a better return value. If you look up what armor penetration does for a ret paladin. You’re going to realize that you don’t do any spells that would give you any use for the armor pen either. So clearly you’re wrong. I don’t get why you have this idea that DBW is even good for rets in the first place.

The proc is the literal value of Deathbringer’s Will.

If it wasn’t you’d just get the ToC 5 man trinket, socket a couple of extra arp gems and be done with it.

The proc is the value for any class using it. The static effect saves you 2 gems to hardcap ArP and that’s it. Which in turn just translates into more str or ap for the classes using it.