50 Character Limit

When I started WoW on release day I read that there was a 50 character limit. I thought to myself “50 characters, what kind of weirdo would ever have that many characters???”.

It is now 15 years later and those characters add up and I hit the max long ago. I obviously don’t play them all, but those characters are memories. Deleting them would be sacrilege, like burning your grandma’s family photo album.

Data storage costs a fraction what it did in 2004, they should really give us more characters per account.


There is a point though. Names alone right now is a major one. It took them years to free them up from inactive accounts. So by your standpoint I could make 150 toons on one account, lock up a ton of names and really only play two toons.

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I’ve played since Vanilla launched myself and I have a grand total of 33 created characters across 5 different realms. I have only 3 at 120 but 11 more at 110. The rest are mostly just name savers if I decide to make a new toon.

I don’t know in what world someone would need 100 character slots, like others have said I think this a you problem. If you triple/quad box like you say, you should have no problem running a 3rd or 4th account on the regular if having more space is so important.

As someone who’s been playing since launch I think 50 is more than enough.

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Now let me get this straight, are you saying you have over 50 characters you play across two servers? Because wow. When I see 50 characters, I can’t even imagine getting close to that.

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That’s called hoarding. It’s a disorder.


I’d be okay with upping the limit, especially since they keep adding more classes and races. I like making multiples and play both factions.
Not gonna hurt anything.


It seems that original developers used a lot of hardcoded constants instead of variables for character systems. This is one of the reasons why the original backpack was not expanded for a long time.

No sympathy for a multiboxer.

… no it isn’t. Hoarding and pack rat are two different things. Stop trying to label people with disorders they don’t have.


This post has definitely got out of hand. Trying races and classes and adding allied races is all the reason to up the character limit. This is IMHO. I don’t presume to judge anyone’s play-style that’s not my role.


i hit 50 limit in legion and went around deleting toons on servers I no longer had interest in playing on. I refuse to pay to transfer toons so when ever a guild wants to transfer I lvl a new toon and then all the support toons with it. They add up fast. When you figure it happens at least once every other expac or more its easy to see how people can get capped.


I have to agree. They should have upped the overall limit.

Also would be nice if they offered free transfers to realms you already have characters on.


You actually have a bigger problem then I initially thought. Please get help. I will pray for you.


If that’s what you need to tell yourself, I’ll not argue.


i have atleast 70 characters across 3 accts. 1 of those 2 accts is totally separate from the first 2!
-side note - i made another acct years ago and back then i was a noob and had no idea i could make another acct off from 1 battlenet acct.

Anyhow that extra acct i have had dormant since a few months ago because with all the leveling changes, i just couldnt do it anymore! Add to that the fact i was having to get pathfinder 2 times and all the reps for allied races twice!

Yeah i just gave up. So currently i have the 2 connected accts. I did try to merge them but i wasn’t able to.

I would be open to maybe an extra 5 or ten toons max per acct, but i wont be depressed about it if it never happens


They are completely related, since one affects the other. What matter is the ability to have 50 toons on a realm once you have even ONE toon on other realm? MANY players create characters on other realms for a variety of reasons. Every toon on one realm is one less toon that can be made on another because both caps are 50. See? RELATED. /smh

You seem to understand that the game didn’t just come out, but maybe you forget that the Game’s been around since November 2014 - lots of time to create and play many characters on different realms for different reasons. In fact, if you created only 4 characters per year, you’d have hit the cap over a year ago (50/14=3.6). That’s 50 characters, divided by 14 years.

Given the entire point of my post was to protest the fact that they didn’t change the 50-per-account limit, I’m not sure why you felt the need to “share” that the limit remains the same.

Allowing 50 characters per realm is a largely pointless gesture, as many (if not most) players already have characters created on other realms. It wasn’t done for players, but so Blizz wouldn’t have to keep bumping the cap every time they release new races or classes.


If you want more than 50 characters, you can pay for 2 accounts. If you want more than 100, you can pay for 3 accounts.

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You do realize this is digital content, right? No one’s house is getting stuffed to the ceiling. There is no buildup of dead cats and rats hidden under 30 years of old newspapers. There’s no feces or rotting food left around. Given your inability to determine the difference between pixels and reality, I wouldn’t go around with such (false) confidence, telling OTHER people they have disorders…

We spent time and in-game resources on these characters and whatever items they hold. If we delete the toons and need them later, THEY ARE GONE. Too many things are still per character (professions, reputation, many currencies) or per characters on a shared realm (the ability to trade stuff). Given how the game and player base are in a constant, ever-changing state, and given how much longer leveling is, why would any SANE person want to be forced to delete a character - one with character levels, professions, reputations and personal achievements - they might find themselves in want or need of again?


Someone’s a tad creation happy with their characters…

You’re only off by ten years.

Instead of getting yourself worked up into a tizzy, why don’t you take a couple deep breaths and proofread your post before you hit the reply button.