You kids are so cute when you’re jealous! You know what they say when you assume things…Clearly you need to learn to play smarter, not harder.
Read and learn:
I’ve played since vanilla and have dual- and sometimes triple-or quad-boxed since BC. I only single-box group progression content (a courtesy to my fellow players), and since it feels inefficient to single box, I rarely bother.
I’ve RaF’d myself 9 times. Since I pride myself on being a smart consumer, I’d take full advantage of the once-amazing leveling buff, pick a server, and power level one of every class to the RaF cap. Running non-stop dungeons, it took about 3 days per pair. I could insta-level a few more using the “grant-a-levels” earned.
Despite a busy IT career, it was more than manageable to accomplish over the 90 day span. And I could easily afford to to server transfer any toons off the throwaway account if I desired.
I also get 2-3 boosts per expansion since I upgrade more than one account. I always use them on fresh toons.
I take advantage of every (legit/safe) leveling hack while it’s available, even if I don’t feel like it. I completed a zillion pre-Legion invasions to quickly top off the many toons that had languished at lower levels for years. Why? More Love Rocket attempts, for all the good it did me!
I also try to be diligent about doing DMF profession quests, which level alt professions AND add up to easy-if-gradual leveling on seldom-played toons - especially when funneling the extra quest items to them.
Finally, since I have two accounts I keep active in tandem, I make two of everything new. I usually try to have one male and one female, or at least one druid and one paladin where possible (for the forms/class mount).
I have at least two of every allied race for both factions - which alone counts for around a dozen alts across two accounts. Most are still only level 20-24 (pro tip: annual Timewalking quiz quest is good for a few levels, so park alts there during the event).
Major faction city cooking/fishing dailies are also good for a chunk of XP, so if you knock out a few here and there on alts, AGAIN that adds up over months and years.
So yeah, keep demonstrating your ignorance and lack of kindness, while I pat myself on the back for being a smarter and more efficient WoW player.