5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

I’m starting to think it’s a technical thing they had to implement… Maybe it was extremely buggy with no cast time?

I’d be happy with 1-2 seconds.

Even 2 seconds… would be way better than 5.

5 is just… glacially slow for a simple utility toggle.


Hey bub, you got some brown stuff on your nose!

This is just mount equipment all over again. Specifically with regard to water walking. An overall QoL reduction in the interest of aesthetics.


Oh God don’t remind me on that STUPID asinine decision.

I miss being able to choose if I want water walking or not without having to take up an equipment slot that is going to, 99.9999999% of the time, have an anti-dismount saddle in it, because daze-dismount is the lamest thing ever put in the game.

I do suppose though, I did notice there’s a big fish mount that doesn’t care if you’re on water or land, it goes fast in both.

So that’s a tiny bone they threw us after years of waiting since the stupid mount equipment crap.

I am super confused. Does the switch stick once you use it? As an example, I want to normal fly so before I go anywhere I switch to normal flying and then I go flying around. Does it switch back to Sky Riding if I dismount?

It seems to stick, at least during a session. I dunno if it persists through log outs. I suppose I can find out when I log on next.

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Your post is well thought out and goes straight to the heart of the issue. That is why I commend you. Tips fedora hat

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Ok so as long as I push 1 button when I log in, I will be able to use norms flying my whole session…then WTF are people whining about?

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Thank goodness the normal people here understand what you just said, while the others have no idea how much better it was pre-patch to go from regular flying to dragonriding by just using two different mounts.

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Really, are you serious?

You don’t understand why some people would want faster flying over long distances, but swap to precise flying to gathering, questing, etc?

That, and you know, I’ve had to explain it, I dunno, no less than THREE TIMES in this thread for people who can’t scroll down through a thread?


No. I think that is called wanting your cake and eating it too.

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Oh, so I’m not supposed to want to use the tools that Blizz gives us, only to find out that using said tools is cumbersome and annoying, and there’s really no reason it needs to be like that when there are easy fixes available?

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And that or a tech reason is the only logical answer. I’m sorry you can’t or won’t see that.

Blizz loves us to have to make choices and to have some friction when doing so like swapping specs which is the same design.

I did concede that there’s a tech reason why they don’t want it being 0 (instant).

However, anything above 0 is not instant and would circumvent any issues with it being instant.

As for not wanting us to switch frequently, then why allow us to do it at all, and/or not have some kind of cost associated with it?

It’s not really fair to compare it to swapping specs, because swapping specs is OBVIOUSLY not something you’re supposed to do on regular basis. Swap specs, do a dungeon or raid. Or maybe swap specs for an elite/rare enemy.

But the flight? There’s obvious reasons why someone would want to swap and no real reason why swapping would be bad.

This is why we’re scratching our heads with this, because the decision to add a 5 second cast just doesn’t make any real logical sense.


And using logic Blizz doesn’t want you swapping flight styles all the time for whatever reason.

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how you come to that subjective conclusion about what “Blizzard” may want?

I understand and I stand with you all for we are in this together to improve freedom of choice on how to play in WoW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:



Exactly the ENTIRE point


This house only stands if we have the four walls of choice.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: