5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

So, picture this…

You’re sitting in a town somewhere and you want to do some questing on the other side of a large zone or maybe in the old areas, you’re just needing to fly to the neighboring zone.

You’re in Stable Flight, and you think “I can get there faster if I switch to Skyriding!”

Except… no.

Skyriding speed is nerfed outside of DF areas, and since the TWW Prepatch, Stable Flight speed has been buffed by a decent margin.

So you spend the 5 seconds to switch to Skyriding, fly to your destination, and spend another 5 seconds to switch back to Stable, in that 10 seconds you probably could have broke even or even in some cases, gotten there sooner if you hadn’t spent 10 seconds standing there casting.

It should be 1, maybe 2 seconds tops. 5 seconds is way too slow. I don’t think I foresee myself ever using Skyriding because of it.


It’s 10 seconds. Calm down.


It’s 10 seconds every single time you choose to change.

The whole draw of Skyriding is that it’s faster but less agile, so it was obviously intended you use Stable when you’re doing questing or gathering, and then switch to Skyriding for longer trips because it’s faster and more fun.

… except the 10 seconds you spend defeats the purpose of flying faster. And it’s annoying to stand there waiting before you can even call your mount.

There’s no reason why it needs to be 5 seconds, it’s not like you can mount in combat.


I guess I get the toggle to swap all mounts from DR to steady. What I don’t get is why those 20+ mounts that can’t DR aren’t set to steady. That was my plan bwcause I do switch between DR and steady often. I dragged a ardenweald mount to my bar thinking I could bypass this 5s nonsense but it’s ground bound. Kinda wish there was a way to default all those to steady.


Instant cast, not 10 secs.

Ain’t nobody got time for that


By your logic, since I have to wait 30 seconds to get accepted into a key, I’ll never do keys again.

Makes total sense :roll_eyes:


That is stupid beyond words.

A steady-only mount should always be steady.

Heck, before this update, that’s how mounts worked. I spent the entirety of Remix having a DF mount bound to the Y key (via LiteMount) and a Steady Mount bound to Shift+= so I could choose between one or the other.

So you’re saying that if you’re in Skyriding, a Steady-Only can’t fly AT ALL? Who the frick thought that was a good idea? They had this crap working before TWW.

Are you doing keys every 5-10 minutes?

Are you doing keys for the express purpose of getting to your destination faster?


Why are you swapping it back to Stable though?


With all this complaining about 5 Seconds, I hope Blizzard finally goes through with just removing Flying next expac permanently and never goes back. That should fix all complaints about a timer.

The Blizzard Monkey Paw.


Stable is better for gathering and questing.


This complete non issue definitely needed another thread.


If there are other threads and other people talking about this then it’s obviously NOT a non-issue to many people.

Our voices deserved to be heard too.


I saw an idea in another post, suggesting to allow each mount a toggle.

Thus you pick which omes skyride vs static.

Players then have the choice between the two on their respective bars ans more control of how we used to play.


Manually toggling every mount in your collection sounds immensely worse.


All they had to do to fix the problem, is make it so that if you have Skyriding on, summoning a mount that does not have Skyriding gives you Stable Flight.

This was how it worked before TWW.

If you REALLY wanna Stable with your Dragonflight mounts, then use the toggle. If you don’t wanna wait on the toggle, summon an old mount. Easy Peasy. Everybody’s happy.


The problem then is that only a specific number of mounts are then useful in leveling content where Skyriding is available - which would get a lot of people upset because it invalidates their collections.

No, because you can still use the toggle if you want stable with a Skyriding-available mount.

I would HAPPILY use any non-SR mount for the purposes of avoiding that stupid 5 second cast.


No it doesn’t. Have them all default to dynamic, and the toggle is just to switch the ones you want to be steady.


No, we weren’t happy that we were limited to less than 10 mounts out of our whole collection. Everyone in my guild last night was hyped to be able to use our old mounts again :slight_smile:


Like I said, if you want old mount on skyriding, use the toggle. oi. How hard of a concept is that?

There’s a few mounts that can’t/won’t have skyriding. But if you summon one of those, it’s stuck on the ground for some dumb reason.

All you gotta do is make it so that when you summon one of those, you get Stable Flight even if you have Skyriding on.

Leave the toggle and everything else as-is so that the rest of the people can be happy too.