5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

The exploit lies more in “fly fast to get from A to B and then suddenly stop in mid-air when you see an herb node you want and fly straight to it with precision”

And if it was such an exploit, why allow us to do it for 2 years?

I think all the arguments made for this are just smoke and mirrors

Druid has been doing out of combat → instant flight form since TBC

God’s know why people think it’s an issue NOW when world pvp is non-existance. Wild to me.

no thats called druid game play, we been the best since release. in 2004

Maybe because they didn’t have a way to prevent it until now?

Yeah, but they didn’t have a mount that goes almost twice as fast as the flight form, lol.

Yeah, 5 sec is too slow. The only reason I can think of it being that long is due to pvp stuff, but let’s be honest, the majority player base is pve and open world pvp has been long dead. Let it be a 3 sec cast as a compromise if blizz MUST have a cast time for it. But instant swap would be best imo.

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so make it 5 seconds?

Longer than it takes to get on the actual mount?

Naw… i don’t buy it…

It’s to waste more time

It doesn’t matter.

I have been doing this in DF on my druid alt.

Not a single person ever say it’s an issue, no one find an issue with it. Find me how this is an issue, find me who this issue affects negatively.

No one. It does not matter. It’s something unique to druid.

I don’t really buy that, to be honest.

They jacked up Stable flight form what again, 50%? 70%? It was 350… what is it now, 400? 420? I forget what they said they raised it up to.

If this was PURELY to waste people’s time, this would not make sense.

I’m looking at it from a money analytics view

MMO needs to waste your time

needs to have player commitment

How many five second increments have people wasted on these threads?

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Skyriding vs Stable should be a choice that you make.

Skyriding, you choose when you have a long distance ground to cover, but in choosing Skyriding, you are choosing it with the caveat that it is far less precise. You can’t hover, you can’t stop unless you land.

With Stable, you can hover, you can stop on a dime, but you travel much slower.

There are pros and cons, and that’s how it should be.

HOWEVER, prior to this prepatch, Druids could have BOTH and yes, there are some niche situations where this could give Druids an unfair advantage. They could fly fast to an area full of aggressive enemies, dismount, use flight form in mid-air and hover and wait for something and not have to worry about getting attacked, maybe waiting for a node to pop, or a rare enemy or what-not, that non-druids can’t do. They’d have to land, and then switch into Stable while standing on the ground (or before this prepatch, change their mount).

It might be niche, but it is yet something else druids can do that nobody else can and they already have plenty of those.

None, because the game was down for an hour and it was (maybe still is?) unplayable for some people due to the action bar bugs.

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IMO, the 5 second cast was added as a deterrent to switch to Steady Flight. They want to push as many people as possible into Skyriding before removing Steady Flight from the game.

Tough :poop: to those with disabilities that make Skyriding difficult or impossible to do. Same with people that get motion sickness from Skyriding.


I’m usually used to change when it comes to World of Warcraft, but this is one of those changes that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me on any level.

I don’t mind having to press a button to switch between flying methods, but an artificial time-waster of five seconds to do so seems like Blizzard being intentionally petty. It doesn’t seem like it was implemented due to technical restrictions, so what’s the purpose of five seconds as opposed to two seconds or even instant?

People will always complain on here, but I feel this is a pretty fair legitimate gripe.


If that was their goal, they had plenty of time and opportunity already, and the cast timer discourages switching of ANY kind, whether it’s To Skyriding or To Stable, or vice-versa.

That answer doesn’t really make sense to me either.

An earlier troll in the thread said that they wanted to prevent you from frequently swapping, but there’s no logical reason why that’d be the case, either.

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Life was not down. You definitely used some 5 second increments.

Maybe I am doing something IRL that I can’t play the game, but yet I’m waiting on stuff and typing and replying meanwhile?

Is there anything else stupid you want to cry about

You start with Skyriding enabled. Switching to Steady flight and back to Skyriding costs to 10 seconds. The cast time needs to be removed.

Actually u could do that as a druid prepatch. Fly somewhere as in dragonriding then dismount snd instantly fly to herb or node with travel form. People saying bots this bots that :robot:, the bots are already skyriding. They learn fast. :man_shrugging: