5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

I used my brain. Blizz likes friction and they like players to make choices. They’ve been pretty clear about that historically if you’ve been paying attention. It’s the same reason there’s a cast time to swap specs.

What’s your rationale if my reasoning is so far fetched?

The cast time and emptying your mana pool is not for “friction”, it’s so you can’t do it in the middle of battle, or even between battles, or in the middle of a dungeon without making everybody wait for you to swap and then plunk your butt on the ground to get your mana back.

It’s clear they only wanted you to swap specs before a dungeon, raid, or maybe a particularly difficult enemy, and not “oh, these guys are melee so I’ll swap to Prot but that caster over there, it’s best I can throw more DPS at him so I’ll switch to Ret, but that elite in the next room I want Holy for because he does way too much magic damage”…

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My guess is that it is a limitation of the game and is accounting for people who might have a bad ping… Just a thought…

I’ma business man… and this is a business

I’m not fully convinced that this choice was because they “had the players in mind”

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Doubt it.

A 1-2 second cast wouldn’t cause any issues with that.

You’d have to have a really terrible connection for the game to not be able to update your flight mode on a 1-2 second cast, lol.

You’d need a ping >1000ms for that to become an issue.

If your ping is THAT terrible, then you probably can’t survive battle with a single enemy.

That’s friction bro.

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Just chiming in to say it should be an instant cast to switch, off the GCD, so it can be macro’d or used on a whim. The new flying options are fantastic, I can’t see a reason to put a tax on switching.


Always one of these trolls.

I’m fully convinced they didn’t have players in mind. This is all based on Blizzard’s game philosophy.

No, that’s a “we don’t want players exploiting the ability to swap specs to min-max every battle that comes their way”, lol.

By your logic, you should have to wait on other people to accept your request to fly.

And the 5 sec toggle is to keep players from having both flight options and their requisite benefits available with no friction.

The toggle gives players who prefer Steady Flight the choice to use that on any mount and vice versa for those who prefer Skyriding.

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Except… one of those things has an actual, tangible in-game reason and the other does not.

Not wanting players to swap specs constantly before every battle has an actual, tangible, in-game reason why that would be a bad thing if people could do it.

You would be able to trivialize a lot of questing, etc if you could just swap specs on the fly even if OOC only.

This business with the flight?

That’s more a “daddy knows best” thing, and there’s nothing I hate more, is “daddy knows best” and/or “cause I said so” because that answer never held water, and it never will. That’s what a parent says to a kid when they know they are wrong, or when they know there’s no REAL reason it has to be like that, they just want to exert authority because they can’t get the kid to follow their wishes any other way.

That is the single worst thing you can do as a parent, is pull the “cause I said so” card. This only teaches your kid that you either have no real reason, or you don’t know the reason, or you just want to be contrary and not for any real, actual reason (if you had said reason, you’d be willing to explain it).


That’s a nice little angle if you believe that. That’s cool

There is still the very relevant point that this is a business, and time matters…

They let us have both options for 2 years…

with the new expansion, new content (which was shortened), and then deciding to change a 2 year allowance… speaks more than some “player friction”

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If Blizz wanted us to be able to Hover and have the same inertia-less control we have with Steady Flight but also have the speed and engagement of Sky Riding why didn’t they?


Again, you say that like we’re asking to have both flight modes in one.

We are not asking for that.


They did… for 2 years… .

we could easily choose either or… so why change it?
for “friction” ?
… naw

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I understand because of Blizzard changing about 90% of the flying mounts to be able to access dynamic flight. They needed a spell to toggle the mounts between dynamic and static flight. Still it doesn’t need to be a 5 second cast. The change between flight styles should be no different then what changing mounts was previously.


If your only use for Skyriding is for the speed, but want the utterly broken convenience that TBC provides, then you just demonstrated the main primary reason for this change.

What you are complaining about is the intended way it is supposed to work. If you can use Skyriding then use it. If you want to use TBC flying or can’t use Skyriding, use it. If you want to swap between them, do that - folks shouldn’t do that on the regular and as a direct result to dissuade people from doing it, a 5 second cast timer exists. If you still want to do it then 5 seconds is the price of admission to having both the speed and broken utility TBC provides.

Because most folks are gonna stay in just one of these modes, or otherwise change their mode so infrequently that the cast time doesn’t matter.

Picture that.



So once again, why the time lock?
It’s a created time lock that was never there before

And as a business, why create time locks on your clients?

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