5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

I’m not opposing, I really don’t care.

I think it’s a nothingburger blown out of proportion on the forums like basically 99% of all changes they make.

Forum tears help me pass the downtime.

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This is a game world we all share, as customers and gamers…

I think this would be an easy things for everyone to agree on.

Why have something new added that is not instant ?
Why make it a timer?
Why even change the old style that has been available for 2 years?

This looks of a tactic that is being used and not for the benefit of the actual players…

1 second would be annoying enough.

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So you admit to trolling, and engaging in troll tactics for the express purpose of trolling because you’re bored…

Why don’t you go do something productive and just leave us alone?

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how is it a “nothingburger” when we already explained how it affect people?

It’s not “nothing”

It is however, a “nothingburger” for you, because this does not affect you at all.

With or without the cast time, it’s a “nothingburger” to YOU.


It’s a forum anyone can post.

If you’re looking for an echo chamber or everyone to take you super seriously, we’ll have you been on the forums before lol?

I don’t mind if someone has opposing opinions.

However, an opposing opinion would require a reason why they have said opposing opinion, and you admitted yourself you don’t have an opposing opinion, that you are completely neutral to the argument at hand, therefore you have no reason to participate, you don’t have a horse in the race, however you want to say it.

It’s like travelling across the country to go to some random city you’ve never been in, and “participate” in a mayoral election by deciding to diss and badmouth one of the candidates you know nothing about for no reason other than you’re bored.

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Yeah… you a little bit loser’ish …

That whole comment is weak sauce…

We’re all gamers here, sharing a community we all pay for.

If a change does NOT benefit us, we should stand as 1 voice and announce that…

Nothing is being blown out of proportion.

This is a civil discourse for mature adults… Argorwal

This can’t be the wow forums you’re talking about, no way.

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Certainly not, because people like you exist in said forums.


i don’t know about “ALL” of wow forums

But so far, this particular forum has been civil, and adult

You in on that? or you just going to yap?

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The best solution really is the one I’d say about letting us toggle mounts in our mount list that we want to operate with steady flying. Or vice versa, that is, simply put an option in the mount journal that sets the default (all as skyriding or all as steady flight) then allow the player to switch that designation as desired for individual mounts.

Mainly we just want what we had before, which is the ability to have a dragonflying mount and a steady flying mount on our action bar, so that we could use one or the other without this additional stance-switching button we now need to press.


Yeah, we’ve suggested that and some other ideas above, but they don’t want to engage in those, they just want to make fun of people “OMG YOU’RE CRYING ABOUT 5 SECONDS!!!1111oneone”.

They’re just trolls, wanting to troll.

Must be a slow troll day or something.

It’s kinda like throwing a slab of meat at a group of starving dogs. This must be the only thread around they can troll.

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On the code of conduct

  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts

fall under Spamming or Trolling. Just report those people and stop engaging with them.

Unless you actually brought up argument against the fact that, 5s cast time is annoying, just don’t say anything.

I am still waiting from questions long ago : If 5s cast time is to be removed, how does this affect ANYONE negatively.


I prefer the toggle button to be instant. It’s very annoying to dismount and change the mount type. Additionally, the fact that it takes longer to toggle than to switch mounts is asinine. Assigning certain mounts to behave in a certain manner in the mount journal would be a great option too.

Honestly just really disappointed in this feature so far. Some of my favorite mounts I can’t even use properly without having to toggle the new function since they have not been integrated into the new flying system.


I dragonride to go to faraway places like Azure Span or Thaldraszus and then switch to steady flying. :umbrella: 🪽 Then have to re-switch to fly to a dungeon for m+ and then have to re-switch to fly to zaralek caverns to do some mining. Those seconds add up. Plus I do have arthritis so I personally don’t dragonride unless it’s far. I play the game so yeah…. Freedom!!!

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this one time i was able to instantly normal fly in flight form and then i could cast highland drake and instantly switch to dragon riding(well a 1.5 second cast time to mount but the style was switched instantly) and then i could even decide mid flight to just turn back into flight form and poof instantly back to normal flying when i needed it.

this was a fine system but then one day they decided to force dragon riding on all my mounts even though they know most players dont use dragon riding all of the time.

I will admit that skyriding and then swapping to flight form in mid-air sounds like an exploit. Flight Form is already insanely useful for a number of reasons, and is probably the best “mount” out there all-around.

That is one of the reasons why I support a 1 second cast rather than instant.


I completely agree with this… THis is why i’m also so bothered by it.

I have my Cindermane Charger mount and my Netherwing dragonflight mount.

I would use both interchangeably , quickly and efficiently whenever i had to…

No i’m stuck with one flight, one ground…

To do this to players… intentionally adding an extra step in between this… intentionally adding more time

It’s hard to see it as any other reason


instantly being able to swtich to a slower form of flying is an exploit? so is going from travel form to bear form an exploit?

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