5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

You’re trying to compare 20-30 flight mode swaps over a couple hours of doing questing in a zone, with using a hearthstone once or twice in an entire session, or taking a mage portal once in a, I don’t know, week? lol

Get real. Seriously.


You are correct and now they are telling players that you are not allowed to have fun with both. You will be punished every time you try to switch between the two.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


the time lock is obviously because they want us to slow down… i mean… the denseness is staggering

Do you want the five seconds?

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I’d say it’s an objective fact.

Another way of saying it is:

  1. There are times when it’s more efficient to have additional speed (dynamic flight) at the cost of precision (due to adding the variable of inertia).
  2. There are times when it’s more efficient to have additional precision instead (due to not having to deal with the loss of control that comes with inertia), at the cost of some speed.
  3. Sometimes the steady state flying mount will be better as well due to not wanting to waste Vigor taking off and landing over very short distances, when you plan to fly a long distance afterward for which you don’t want to wait for your vigor to recharge.

This isn’t something reasonably contestable. Most of the time I want speed, but sometimes I want more precision, and sometimes Vigor is also a factor. This is going to be the case for nearly everyone. (The only real exception would be people who are unable to manage dynamic flying at all, but they’ve had steady-state flying available as a full-time option for a long while now anyway before the new prepatch).


You’re whining about something you’re going to do once just as frequently. So right back at you.

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I don’t really care if it’s there or not, but it’s there for picking a mode.

Regardless of the forum tears about everything all at once (the reason to be on them), this isn’t going to have any appreciable impact on “time played” garbage.


How does 20-30 flight mode swaps in a couple hours equate to using a hearthstone once in a session, or a mage portal once in a week? lol

A good way to make an analogy is to compare an airplane to a helicopter.



okay sir

There’s hundreds of thousands of players… each with this new time lock

That adds up to a lot of time… obviously…

This infers people swap modes constantly lol? Most of their play time is swapping flight?

The majority of content in the game doesn’t even allow flight lol.

Yes, yes, it does and people WILL want to swap frequently.

1). Go to a town.
2). Pick up a few quests.
3). Swap to Skyriding.
4). Fly to questing area, because Skyriding is faster.
5). Land at questing area, swap to Stable, because you only need to hop over a wall here, land ontop of a building there, mine that mining node up on the hill there.
6). Get done with quests, swap to Skyriding to go back to the quest NPCs to turn in the quests.
7). Get new quests.
8). Repeat.

Yes, yes, I can see people wanting to swap repeatedly.

But the 5s cast time kills any benefits of using Skyriding which kinda defeats the purpose of having it.


And you’re here, pushing back against something THAT LITERALLY DOES NOT AFFECT YOU.

I just truly does not understand your point in pushing back in. Except for “you guys are just complaining”

Here’s the thing, just because YOU don’t do it, doesn’t mean other also the same as you.

This is an MMO, people play the game vastly differently.

Unless you can tell me how, by removing the flight style cast time, affect YOU in any negative way.

Then, and only then, i will consider this a proper conversation.

For now, the only thing i can see is people MOCKING other players that has their fun ruined by something that does not affect the majority of people.


yeah alright,

You’re trying real hard to be the PR team leader for Blizzard.
It’s all good

For everyone else, we shouldn’t allow more time locks to be in our services.

I don’t like using the words “Majority” and “minority” because it’s unknown who outnumbers who.

The fact that there have been multiple threads, and from what someone has said in the thread, ample complaining in Trade, it sounds like the # of people who don’t like the 5s timer is a significant number of people.


So you gain nothing by opposing here, but you still want to deny some people’s wishes to switch faster.

Jeez, that’s grudgy, mate.


It’s called “Arguing for the sake of arguing” and it’s a common troll tactic.

They don’t care about the actual argument, their 100% purpose in this thread, is to put down other players and make fun of them.

That’s their ENTIRE reason for participating in the thread.


I feel like understanding why it isn’t instant is the missing part of this whole equation. Is there some exploit/degeneracy they are trying to prevent? Are they intentionally discouraging hybrid flying becoming meta? Or is there some other reason?


I could understand if there’s some sort of system issue where a cast time >0 is needed.

That is why I suggested 1-2 seconds. That would satisfy the “not instant” thing without being overly annoying that 5 seconds is.

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That’s a good analogy! Don’t see how anyone can reasonably disagree.

I guess so.

But it still god damn frustating that the only “argument” that people are making, for disagreeing with the fact that 5s flight style change is annoying is that :

“It doesn’t affect me, and because it doesn’t affect ME, YOU are the weird one for even complaining about this”

And from their point of view, they’re the “majority”, because they simply cannot fathom how other players plays the game differently than them.