5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)


Are you this stupid? FFS.

This is not a hard concept.

There are two flight modes.

There’s a way to switch between them.

It costs nothing, which means they want people to use it.

But the stupid cast time doesn’t need to be there, and is annoying.

Removing it WOULD NOT HURT YOU AT ALL but here you are STILL arguing against changing it.


Folks don’t think / don’t read

People change mounts ALWAYS, depending on the task… if you’re hunting treasures or gathering or finding something, it is usually steady mount

quick flight is usually skyriding


People are either entirely stupid or just cannot or will not read.

I feel like I am trying to hold a rocket science meeting with 5 year olds here.


Why can’t i do that?

Does it affect you at all that i can do that in Dragonflight? before the prepatch?

You probably don’t know people are doing that, it doesn’t affect you whatsoever.

Why do you care about something that literally does not affect you, in the slightest bit?


IT’s ALL profitable metrics

Overall player game time amounts to overall Brand interest and perceived product value…

it’s basically how the internet operates these days

Sure. So what’s the problem?

I’d you’re mining and you’re in static flight, why do you need to swap? Just stay in static flight mode. What’s the problem?

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You can’t answer that yourself?

LOL Please stop. I’m not arguing for or against anything because I don’t ever swap and this is a nothing burger to me.

But for Blizz it is something. They don’t make change like this for no reason. Use your brain.

The point of the toggle is to give players a choice of flight styles. Not to give you the functionality of both with aero friction.

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Oh, I don’t know, if you would have READ THE THREAD you might understand, like, maybe you want to switch to Skyriding for a long distance flight? Such as going from a quest hub to the questing area, and then switching to Stable to actually DO the quests, then switch back to Skyriding to fly back to the questgivers?

Is this so hard for you to imagine?


So you can’t work around the 5 second cast.

you didn’t read the thread

This was already answered way back up top

I’m still waiting for the answer as to why there needs to be a 5 second cast.

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Blizz reports on monthly active users (MAUs) which doesn’t care if you log in for 3 seconds or 3000 hours in a month.

Exactly, so they shouldn’t care how long people play, so long as they do.

Therefore, /played metrics shouldn’t even be a thing.

You would think that they would want every second possible of that /played to be as fun as possible so they’d gush to their friends about how awesome the game is, rather than annoying them with pointless tedium at every turn possible.

1 metric of profit… yes, that 1 is correct

That’s 1 of their metrics

It’s 10 seconds every time you hearth. It’s 10 seconds every time a mage opens a portal. It’s 10 seconds every time you load in to the game.

And no it’s not. It’s 5 seconds. It’s 10 seconds every time you choose to change AND BACK. Can’t even get that right.

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Imo the people screaming Blizz adds tedium to pad “time played metrics” are insane because retail keeps doing just about everything in its power to make just about everything happen faster, including not needing to redo a lot things on alts with war bands.

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which is why they decided to put our mounts behind a time lock… because they’re “making things faster for us”… oh okay

should be instant switching


900% mount speed is because they want to “slow us down”

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