5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

But you tell me, what does it actually harm if one did want to swap frequently?

Is there something that actually detriments you or any other player if I were to be able to do what I did in remix and summon whichever I wanted without the cast time?


yeah… less time played on Blizzard’s stats

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I just want to know, how busy is your life that you’re complaining about 5-10 seconds holding you back from what you want to do? Let’s say you’re farming mats and this slows you down by an overall of 2 minutes in an entire day…is that really a big deal? Take one breath. No really, do it. A regular breath, not a deep one. Done? There, that was you changing flight styles.

It is 10 seconds. If those seconds are ‘that’ big of a deal to you pick a style of flying and stay with it. I’ll be in my flight form as soon as I can use it.

Right? It was never an issue.

BlizZard is always looking for a problem to solve that didn’t need to be solved in the first place.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


that’s not the point…

The 2 styles have been available for 2 years, and they allowed 2 different needs to be fulfilled during gaming… .

Now that’s been stripped for no reason other than “Because F You”


Sticking with 1 flight form kinda defeats the purpose of adding a way to switch…

“B-b-b-but you shouldn’t be able to switch quickly because you’ll want to switch too often and that would be baaaaaaad for reasons I can’t explain!”


This is basically Blizzard telling you HOW to have fun.

Same old same old Blizzard.

And the worst part is other people that push back against people that don’t like this change

The people in where not affected AT ALL.

So Blizzard get away with it.


Way more important things to fix than a 5 second inconvenience.

And 10 seconds is make or break for your questing experience? This is 100% a non-issue.

A newly added “5 second inconvenience” that should not have been added… Watching how we respond to it, so later more time inconviences can be thought up…

Get onboard here buddy


10 seconds here, 10 seconds there adds up over time.

In a single zone, there can be sometimes 30 total quest chains.

That’s 5 minutes of just standing there casting the stupid spell.


okay a non-issue for you.


So if the cast time is removed

Does it became an issue for YOU then?


This has nothing to do with other players. This is clearly Blizz making a design choice or even a tech decision.

Ask them to clarify.

Pfft, if Blues actually answered threads, I would.

You’re not even allowed to put the word “Blizz” or “Blue” in the title of a post, because they don’t want to answer anything you ask them.

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Now do 5 minutes multiplied by hundreds of thousands of players… and we have our reason for that toggle

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Or just stay in the mode you like for a play session?

I never understood the /played metrics to be honest.

I mean, what you REALLY want is subs/mo. That’s what actually makes you the money.

Player A can play for 1 hour a week and pay $14.95 on his sub.
Player B can play for 40 hours a week and pay $14.95 on his sub.

Blizz actually makes MORE money off of Player A because Player B will eat up way more bandwidth.

But it’s not? Why would you be swapping so often? If you’re questing in a zone, you’re likely going to stick with whichever mode you prefer.

Why would you dragonride to once location than swap back? Just stay in dragonriding mode. Or stay in static mode.


I am just still waiting for people that can explain to me how removing the Switch Flightstyle cast time will affect their gameplay, if they don’t even care about switching in the first place.