5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

Tell me about it, by the time 5 seconds is up I forgot wat I was doing 2 seconds ago which means I forgot I was changing flight form twice in that time. Should be instant. or even faster than that. maybe -.5 seconds.

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It needs to be instant. It makes no sense to even have a cast time on it. The mount already has a cast time…… it’s just a toggle…


I mean, FFS, imagine arguing against something like shortening the cast time on a spell, not like that takes any manpower, and not like that’d hurt anybody, ever.

Also, semi-related… is there any sort of on-screen thing that tells you which style you currently are on?

I can foresee lots of forgetting which style you’re on and then having to spend another 7 seconds resummoning your mount in the correct style.

On screen? I don’t think so but the icon does change on the “toggle button”. I was looking at it last night :umbrella:

What gets me, is I don’t understand why they simply didn’t make it a modifier that is macro-able.

“Summon (insert mount here): Skyriding”
“Summon (insert mount here): Stable”

And the Summon Mount “spell” would take either parameter when cast, and you could even set up a modifier like you hold shift you get Skyriding, you hold ctrl and you get Stable or somesuch.


I agree, it’s absolutely ridiculous… Why keep disrespecting players time by making us cast wasted seconds every time we want to change up a mount that already allowed the flight we wanted in the first place?
I feel like it’s created to intentionally increase player time duration… just useless toggle…

And MANY people will want to use BOTH… Skyriding for quick relocation to other destinations, and Steady flight for nearby questing, gathering and treasure finding… Duh


Probably because they want you to choose a flight style and stick to it.

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Well, the players DON’T want to do that… so they need to change it up… like they’re going to eventually do anyways.

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… that makes no sense whatsoever.

Why offer two kinds of flight if you’re going to try and shoehorn a player into choosing one and only using one?


Hey remember when Dragonriding was only for few mounts, so you can have 2 mount button? And how amazing it feels when doing world content, instead of wasting 1 vigor to “leap” from one point to another, you can just use normal fly to short point a to b?

Yeah, now you have to sit there for 5s.

Honestly it’s should be just the same cast time as mounting.

People gonna say “oh cmon, you’re probably only save a few seconds from using norma flying”

Yeah, once and twice, sure. But this is something i do incredibly often.

What do people that don’t do this lose anyway? NOTHING.

So i don’t understand people that are pushing back against reducing this cast time



When players are having fun using both BlizZard doesn’t want to see that.

So here comes the BlizZard rug pull.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Heck, in Remix, I was instantly swapping between the flight styles, easy.

This was a thing we already had, and they removed it for no good reason other than laziness.


And Blizz doesn’t obviously. It’s like swapping specs.

If they wanted us to have the control of Steady Flight including the ability to hover AND the speed and fun of Sky Riding they would have.

That is exactly what they’re saying, and it’s correct. From the patch notes:

“New Ability: Switch Flight Style – Switch between Skyriding and Steady Flight styles for flying mounts. Mounts that don’t support Skyriding will be grounded if Skyriding is active. 5 second cast time. Learned at level 20. This ability is located in the Mount Journal.” (emphasis mine)

(edit to add) I did actually test this with the Red Flying Cloud in the beta, and it is sadly true. Cannot fly at all if you have skyriding turned on.

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Nobody is asking to switch between Stable and Skyriding in mid-flight, lol.

They OBVIOUSLY intend for you to swap between them.

But I wanna know who slipped on a banana peel when they thought that standing there with your fingers somewhere fingers shouldn’t be for 5 seconds was a good idea…


They just making crap up as they go… I’m pretty sure this will be changed back in the future after enough comments from players come in about this.

I was literally thinking the same thing sitting in town watching people complain in trade earlier this morning. It’s actually a solid solution and most likely seems like a really easy change to perform. Personally I’m a-okay with how it is right now. I enjoy dragon/skyriding quite a bit but I also think there are times where traditional flying is much easier in certain areas, but I also don’t mind waiting 5 seconds. It’s basically just one breath…people are too impatient in this game.

It was 1.5 seconds yesterday.


i feel that is for data mining… To keep players wasting time in the game…

5 seconds here and there for 100s of thousands of people add up to a lot of time !


No they obviously want you to have the choice to pick the style of flight you prefer. That’s why we have the toggle.

It’s pretty clear that they don’t want you swapping al the time.

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