5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

I already said I’m not doing keys anymore because I have to wait 30 seconds. I can’t even stand waiting the 5 seconds it takes to summon me at this point.

It’d be cool if we could set it on a mount by mount basis, or have a mount gear that does that. Then, I can have a mount of each type on my bar like pre-patch, and chose which method of flight I need without all the cast channeling time.


It took you 10 seconds to type this sentence and maybe start your next paragraph.

By the time you finished arguing with others you could have swapped back and forth multiple times.

10 seconds is not life threatening

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I think to baby sit all of them would be a tall task.

But it would be an option to toggle.

Nothing says have to do every single one of them. Do you use ever single mount in your collection now ?

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These are the same people that sit in a main city for hours on end either afk or doing laps, but all of a sudden 5 seconds to change to go somewhere in their preferred flight style is CATACLYSMICALLY EARTH SHATTERING to their gameplay.

I saw there was a 5 sec cast time and went “huh, that’s interesting” and went about my day. People are acting like there’s a 5 sec swap cast EACH INDIVIDUAL TIME they want to mount up. No, you typically will use a dedicated flight style for a time that outweighs the 5 seconds.

Non-issue, faux crying crocodile tears.


It’s annoying when it’s over and over and over and over and over again during a gaming session.


I’m gonna have to agree with op here. Why does this even need a cast time? It’s nonsensical…. Another new age of time wasting and pathfinder locked :closed_lock_with_key: again. :cloud_with_rain:


And what if I do? Or what if I do “assign random mount”?

It does not matter that much, logging in takes more than 10 seconds and I don’t see you complaining how blizzard servers should be faster

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Why are toggling over and over again?


should just be stable flight with vigor use putting you in skyriding run out of vigor and stable flight intel you land or fully recharge

Like I said, these people should be extremely grateful Blizz left old flying in at all. I can’t think of many other devs that replace an outdated system then leave it in because people cry

Haha start steaming as the whole mount collection user and consider myself subbed.

I bet 20 donuts, you have a select few you use and the rest are shelved.

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Okay…. Now u guys are grandstanding. We didn’t ask for all that. Keep the yapping a minimum. Anyway people are allowed to advocate whatever they want. :cloud_with_rain:

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its on or off for all skyriding fling mounts not a pick and choose see someone has not even logged on to try it

Wow, people just cannot read.

Skyriding blows when all you want to do is hop up a cliff or over a wall, or just fly to a gathering node, or a quest objective.

However, Skyriding is nice when you’re going halfway across a zone, or to a neighboring zone, etc.

Why is this so hard of a concept to understand?


No I know that - the argument that was made was “we should toggle it for each individual mount.”

Oh noes! that does sound terrible. Rip.

Because this is an opinion, and not an objective fact lol. People read and understand - just dont agree.


Asking “why?” does not bespeak of a disagreement.

You don’t ask someone “why?” if you understand what they said but simply disagree.

(Unless of course you’re doing it sarcastically just to be an idiot and a troll)