5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

Pfft. By that logic, picture you go to a dealership and you buy a car. You drive it 500 feet down the road and you notice that the transmission only shifts up to 2nd gear which gives you a whopping 30 MPH limit.

You go back to the dealer and he goes “Think how amazing it is that you can move forward at all”.

I have been silent on this until I got hands on and saw how it impacted my playstyle.

I can say this: Any game dev worth their salt knows that any interruption to the game play loop is a bad design choice.

This is clearly an Ion Hazzikostas decision. A true game dev would NEVER apply something that interrupts the loop.


Kinda funny how 5 seconds here, 5 seconds there disrupts the flow of gameplay and makes it feel awful.

It has caused many people like myself to ignore skyriding completely, because switching back and forth is annoying and time-consuming.

But yanno, you got the koolaid huffers going “lolol 5 seconds lololol you can’t wait 5 seconds lololol”

EDIT: Imagine AAAALLLL of that work going into developing the engine code for skyriding, which surely wasn’t easy as there is nothing else like it in the game, only for a chunk of the playerbase to ignore it and refuse to use it all because of an asinine decision to add a 5 minute cast to switch between it and normal flight.

I’d be downright ticked off if I were one of the programmers who toiled away to get skyriding (or, well, dragon riding) to actually work right.

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Why on God’s green Earth did they not just let us assign what riding style to each particular mount? IE: This mount is set up for classic riding, this one for dragonflight, etc etc. that way you never really have to switch, (Unless you want to use the same mount for both) but that way if you see a node, you can hit your classic riding mount, (or whatever one you assign) and if you need to go far, then you
just hit your other mount. it’s so ridiculously easy, and yet they made us pick one or the other at a time.

And yes, 10 sec here and there adds way the hell up for collecting stuff. Figure how many times you’d have to do that in a single session of harvesting.

It goes further than that.

They DISABLED flying entirely for mounts that do not have Skyriding, if you have Skyriding turned on.

Back before the prepatch, in Remix, a lot of us had a dragonriding mount bound to 1 hotkey and a classic mount bound to another and we swapped as often as we wanted and it was fun.

Too much fun, apparently because they had to go and nerf it.

And this is Blizz’s “Daddy Knows Best” showing again, but like most of the times they do this, they are plain flat out wrong.


Add to that are people that encounter motion sickness like me. I’ve used the motion sickness options, they help but don’t completely resolve them.

Don’t like Steady Flight? Don’t use them and let people that need them still have the option

I really want them to come out and tell us their reasoning behind the change. What possible benefit or game breaking situation could possibly be at play to justify the change?

Complaining about complaining. Check.

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We’d probably need at least 100k more players stepping up and saying something about it, esp since this is not related to raiding, PvP or m+…

I can skyride on all my flying mounts, even my surfboard, disc and [wingless] Wandering Ardent Doe.

There are supposedly mounts that exist that do not have Skyriding and Blizz outright said that these mounts will be stuck on the ground if you have Skyriding mode on.

What mounts these are, I do not know.

So in the scenario you’re presenting the player can just stick with the style of flight they enjoy more and come out about the same. Is that supposed to be a problem?

It defeats the purpose of the faster skyriding mode…

WTF is the point in having it, if switching to it kills any gains you’d get from using it?

I mean, some devs put in a lot of work to make skyriding a thing in the first place, feels like a waste to have a bunch of players keeping it turned off purely because of an annoying and quite frankly, unnecessary cast time on the toggle.

But what if you just keep it turned on because you enjoy that mode more? Its not defeated then, is it?

What if they just made it a 0.5s cast, would it hurt you?

What exactly is your horse in this race? Or are you just arguing for the sake of arguing?

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Then it would devalue managing your vigor as a game mechanic. It would also exacerbate the disadvantage of players who, for whatever reason, can’t reasonably use skyriding as people rapidly hopping back and forth will be able to zip by them and then not even have to engage with the vigor system properly to stay ahead of them.

1). Vigor stops being a defining mechanic in 99% of situations once you are fully levelled,
2). People can already do that (zipping by people on stable flight) now.
3). The # of situations where someone zipping by another person actually matters is miniscule.

It wouldn’t change anything whatsoever.

So just stay in skyriding all the time then. Changing to tbc flight for 1% of scenarios is hardly an issue. Problem solved.


You’re just trolling, and arguing for the sake of arguing, if you’re not willing to actually engage with the topic.

Why don’t you go troll somewhere else?

There’s plenty of reasons to want to use one style over the other, and it ain’t always about speed. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. We are given two flight styles, and we want to use them both, without playing with our hands for 5 seconds every time we want to switch.

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No, I’m not trolling. Everyone who has a different viewpoint is not trolling you.

Such as? I’m fairly certain most of them come down to speed if you look closely enough. But I’m willing to listen. Although I’m heading out and wont respond for a good while. :slightly_smiling_face: