5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

You’re refusing to actually engage with the topic, which is the fact the 5s cast is unnecessary, and trying to shift the focus of the topic to something else because you can’t refute it.

Yes, that’s trolling.

Reasons to use Skyriding, yes. Usually speed. But not always. Like, for example, if you want to do the race WQs. Sure would be nice to not have to fiddle with your hands every time you wanna do a race.

Reasons to use Stable flight? Well, for one, I’m a keyboard turner. Yes, yes, I know, I’m a scrub and a horrible player, but that’s just how I am. Turns out, skyriding is impossible on just keyboard alone, which is one of the big reasons I don’t use it often, and the only time I use it is when I know I am going to take a long flight.

Personally, I found the system of swapping between dragon riding and steady flying to be rather pleasant while we had it. Dragon riding would be for long distance traveling between/across zones or very fast bursts with timed events. And Steady would just be me flitting between quest objectives or mob packs.

This current iteration just feels unpleasant.

It’s as simple as how it feels in some cases. And I think, in the case of traveling, feeling is very important. I don’t like stopping in my travels. It interrupts my flow and feels intrusive.


Yeah, try telling that to these people who go “durr durrr just use one method hurrr hurrr” … it just gets old when people act like that.

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Well, fortunately it’s not them we need to convince, it’s Blizzard (unfortunately lol). And feeling is subjective, I suppose. I’m surprised anyone actually enjoys the feeling of swapping though. More power to them I suppose, wish I could enjoy it.

And one method? Pft. I use 3… flight paths! To avoid flipping 20+ times daily when I’m on my world quest grind, I’m taking little mental breaks and letting the game slow mode it for me lol. I’m actually using Skyriding far less than Dragon Riding.

Yeah ever since the prepatch, I’ve put all of my characters on Stable until they fix this crap. I would like to use skyriding occasionally for long traversals, but I can just afk on a flight path or go way up and engage auto-forward and alt-tab.

I’d rather just use skyriding, but I don’t want to play with myself for 5 seconds here 5 seconds there.

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Wasting vigor, landing, and switching to another mount is not getting anywhere faster than staying at glide speed, that is laughably bad. Vigor recharges SLOWER if you stop and switch.

There is no need for extra punishment on flight mode switching. Dragonriding covers distance faster. That’s the incentive to learn it, that’s plenty.

Mode switching is for players who see the use of both modes. Basically anyone who has spent more than 5 minutes total doing gathering in DF.

And it was not game breaking and the game was just fine. They went and broken it to show that they did “work”.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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This right here.

Imagine being a player who goes “hurr hurr then don’t use X” when the game literally gives you X and Y and encourages you to use both, with the huge zones that make you want Skyriding, but yet all the little clickables on the ground making you want to switch to Stable now and then.

Imagine being the idiot that goes “then don’t switch” … basically expecting players to not use half of their toolbox because attempting to engage with one of the game’s systems is just too annoying.

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Not everyone was DF’ing everywhere. If I am out doing daily world quests like many others, I would be steady flying. When farming for mats steady flying was better. All we are asking is that Druid flight to be kept as it was before the pre-patch. How is this hard hard for people to comprehend? I guess you would have to play a druid to actually understand.

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I don’t think they consider it broken and the most likely fix is going to be the removal of static flying eventually.

I’d like to see the whole system just go to pick A or B to launch. Press the “skyriding” launch and you’re in that mode, or press the “steady” takeoff and you’re in that instead. This would be a huge improvement! But I’m not holding my breath.

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Love of TBC normal flying is greater than anticipated. That is why for TWW locking behind a PF makes no logical sense.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I hope they fix this soon because it makes no sense to me because it was working fine months ago. I am baffled to say the least.

I have discussed this with friends and family too and they are saying something similar as well. Why go through the trouble of putting in place a toggle that hinders how players play the game? I never saw it an issue on live for many months during the Dragonflight expansion. It felt a huge step forward being able to switch between the two and I feel that now we are back to square one again feeling cheated from having fun.

It should not exist at all as a cast time at all. Five seconds punishes players.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

.5s cast means fewer options because it can’t be macro’d. Only instants, because mounting ignores gcd and you can hit that keybind to switch pull out a designated (aka SMALL) mount at the same time.

Still better than a five seconds though which is why it makes no sense to choose that number.

People are switching a travel tool not talents lol. It is not like people have a weapon macro switch they are using and travel modes are most often used when not in combat. So the justification for five seconds is really bad.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Couldnt have said it better myself.

Enough time has passed and we have seen it has disrupted game play flow for players. For that reason alone it is not a good idea what they have done.

You are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I like that solution but how hard would it be to code that for WoW?

While that is true what is happening is they are keeping the topic at the fore front of the WoW general discussion so they ironically end up helping.

Right now the feedback is reaching the devs that the five second toggle switch is not acceptable.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: