5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

It should be an instant cast and usable while mounted. They are more than capable of having a flight style switch be built into flying, but decided to take the laziest approach possible and have it be an unmounted cast.

Exactly. The time wasted in casting flying styles ruins this quality of life change.


@blizzard really dropped the ball on this one.

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I don’t feel like this was a QoL change at all. It’s a cosmetic change to allow players to use the flight style they like with whatever mount they choose from their collection. That’s it.

I don’t think this was ever meant to be a way to have both flight styles available all the time with no friction. Blizz likes friction.

The point is, time wasting casting a spell to change flight styles when already mounted is crazy….

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The only “friction” that Blizz is creating here, is friction between the players and devs with their insufferable narcissism and “Daddy Knows Best” and “Cause I said So” syndrome.

I’m sorry but Blizz is in the wrong here, just like they’ve been countless other times and had to walk it back after enough pushback.

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Hey guys wait for me! I have to dismount and cast a spell to cast another spell to remount and catch up to you

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They clearly don’t want players swapping all the time. I guess I don’t see the issue.

But why create more steps with cast timers on a quality of life feature? It’s silly.


The cast time is either there to keep players from swapping styles all the time because they want you to pick your Flight mode like you pick talents or it’s a technical limitation.

Blizz doesn’t do stuff like this for no reason.

Blizz has done plenty of stuff for “no reason”, or at least the reason was “Cause I said So”, which means “there is no reason”.

Nonsense. They always have a design reason or a tech reason behind their choices. These are pros.

Should just be instant honestly

we didn’t need a button…
we had already adapted
to hot-keying 2 mounts,
one traditional/one new.
and both are needed…
traditional, for punctuated/precision
local flight…
and new, for speed and long distance

You’re an adult dumping hours of this one life you have into a video game about magic orcs, tree portals, and flying gem cats…and more of that life complaining about a five-second toggle in that video game.

You don’t have any respect for your own time. None of us do. Get a grip.

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How are you shoehorned? It’s a 5 sec cast that gives you access to either whenever you want. Unless you’re swapping all the time this is a first world problem bro.

We have access to both because Blizz knows there are players who need or prefer the old derp flight and aren’t going to take it away. And they also know one of the issues players had with Dragon Riding was losing access to their favorite mounts.

If they wanted to give us the benefits of both styles all the time they would have just baked things like hovering and inertia-less movement into Sky Riding.

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I just wish we had one stable flight only mount, or. I guess, the ability to assign flight style per mount. I know the five second toggle isn’t much, but it is when a couple days ago we had no toggle at all. Changing flight style was as quick as just summoning a different mount. Now we have to land, do a five second cast, and then summon a mount. It’s just annoying.

Also not a massive issue but still annoying is this takes away the monk ability to swap without landing. Used to be, while flying, we could drop one mount for Zen Flight and then summon a new mount during Zen Flight. Zen Flight should go steady flight speed now as compensation.

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If that’s what you think, then you are simply a lost cause.

How long have you been playing WoW?

I’ve been playing since Vanilla, and I have seen quite a few times, that they did stuff that was wildly unpopular and they had to walk it back after a lot of player feedback.

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Stop, just stop with the complaining.

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Stop, just stop with the trolling.

If you don’t like the thread, you don’t have to participate in it.