5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

Such as putting events and rares inside of caves, houses, world quests, and things of that nature? How often do you see a rare that you don’t know how to get to out of curiosity? I can’t tell you how often I have seen folks who sees a rare on the map but don’t know how to get to them, because they are inside of deep caves and the like.

You are just demonstrating my point: these things are designed because of how folks used the ability to stay safe and not interact with the world which in general, would equate to afking. Isn’t it a strange thing how so often people complain about folks not talking or communicating yet so many times over the years people have hovered over rares and the like and yet… folks don’t speak. Just… waits.

Those two couldn’t have anything to do with each other though, I’m sure of that. It isn’t at all like there’s this mentality that has been bred into folks that the only thing that matters is “how do I get it the most convenient way possible.” Couldn’t possibly be that.

If all you are after is the weekly quest requirement, which is when people actually go there to do it, then no you don’t actually need to do anything.

Yet people do.
I wonder if it could be because … why the hell not? After all they have nothing better to do and if one is legitimately afk and doing something else then none of this matters in the first place. You go there and get your participation and then be done with it. Yet people don’t do that, nor with any of the other events. Just Time Rifts. It is almost like Time Rifts have these pillars in the middle where people sit afk on top of them. Almost like a platform … to afk on … but definitely nothing like the mobile AFK platform TBC flying provides.

Yet over the years it is clear as day that folks talk and ask to be invited to raid groups for world bosses more when you are just on the ground waiting there. Up in the air you can dodge whatever ability you’d get killed by and you just need to tap said rare/world boss once to get credit. So why would you care about a raid group when you are either in a position where you are safe to engage or you are just straight up not engaging until the last moment.

Exactly. You are so close at getting it.

You can accept that rogues and druids have this entire mentality where they can avoid damage, bosses, content, and even other players … yet you can’t understand that you can also do it the other way around.

You said “replace flying with stealth”, and we can both agree to it.
That also means that one can say “replace stealth with flying”, or in this case TBC afk-ability (since again you understood the point about the Time Rifts).

You have, in your own words, laid out EVERY argument against the ability to afk in random locations … but you desperately don’t want it tied to TBC flying. You can accept it with rogues and the general attitude of rogues which, guess what, most folks who play the game with stealth will inform you “Yes, we do play the game like that.” … but you don’t want to tie it to flying and you finish with this as your argument:

Whether content is good or not doesn’t dictate how people participate in in, but in the quantity that people participate in it. That can be debated, discussed, and argued what is good or not.

But you yourself laid out every argument as to why objectively speaking TBC flying is bad for the game’s overall health. But you are trying to tie it to this subjective idea of “is the content good or not” when that’s not even remotely the point.

Whether you accept it or not, but you have presented crystal clear evidence of why this change was made. AND why it is good for the game.

Have a good day.

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I don’t know about anybody else, but I fricken HATE the “Where the frick is the entrance to this STUPID cave!?” crap.

It isn’t about flying, heck even when I can fly, it still is highly annoying trying to figure out where a cave entrance is, and again.

Rare Mobs.

Tying content to Rare Mobs was always lame and stupid.

Because of bad game design.

If a loophole exists, people will take it.

So… don’t let loopholes exist? Make better content.

This has nothing to do with flying, and every bit to do with the content not being fun or rewarding enough.

Strange, that one time I did this event as the weekly, there was another weekly quest which required me to interact at least, I think it was 30? times something like that.

Otherwise you waited until the stupid thing was done once you got your 30 in.

People AFK at the Tuskarr event, too. The only difference is, most people don’t care if you AFK there and/or you can’t tell. Meanwhile, the time rifts are a combat thing, and help is kinda needed to reach an actual tangible reward, and not just a food buff nobody cares about and is gone after awhile.

I played Korthia and Timeless Isle, lol. I never once asked to be a part of a group, and I found ways to avoid getting killed. Usually throw whatever ranged I have, and stand waaaaaaay back, because most of those enemies were just OP as frick and just simply boring.

And guess what? I didn’t have flying.

It’s almost like Flying has nothing to do with people wanting to avoid stuff that’s not fun.

I’d have fought those enemies if they didn’t have attacks that killed you in 2 seconds.

You completely missed my point – people AFK because

1). They can
2). They don’t like the content but want the rewards

This is a problem WITH THE CONTENT ITSELF and Flying and Stealth (among other methods, like tossing your weapon at it and staying back) are symptoms of a much larger problem, IE, rares that one-shot you are not fun. Killing lots of junk pouring out of a time portal that gives you no drops or other rewards is not fun.

Fix THAT and you won’t have to worry about people flying or stealthing, or throwing a single ranged attack on a rare.

Trying to stymie flying because people use it to skip content is like slapping a bandaid on a water main break.

I do think that Druids should have a separate toggle for their flight form.


Should be instant to switch

Yeah, because it seems like a lot of excess work for nothing. Just stay in skyriding at that point. It’s really not a big deal.

Wouldn’t that make botting even worse?

Bots zipping from node to node Sky Riding then insta swapping to Flight form with Steady Flight to gather than insta swap back.


Ngl. I’m kinda hoping they double down and make it 10 seconds.

I’m genuinely amazed at how dramatic people are being over this when we spent most of DF using DF flying.

I and many others predicted that letting us regular fly would just lead to more and more insanity and demands.

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Botting never was, and never should be a reason to make changes that impact players, especially not changes that make the game less fun.

Botting is going to happen no matter what, and there’s no way to stop it. To make the game less fun for players because of bots is merely just handing the game over to the bots, because the bots WILL overcome it, and the game will remain less fun for the players.

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I think it should be an instant toggle. The cast time doesn’t really have much of a purpose.



I didn’t play during most of DF, so…

Most of my time with Dragonriding was during Remix when I could choose to summon a dragonriding mount or a stable mount without the stupid wait time.

Worked like a charm, game was fun, everything was fun, no need to add a wait time.

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They should have just left the flying the way it was… I don’t care to have all my mounts flying dragon style… I have my mounts set up to use them for farming


nerfed by practically nothing.

I am so happy that we get both, and get to dynamically choose which one we prefer. I was really worried the producers would try to dictate this, so I am equally surprised that anyone would complain about a cast time.


Should be instant while mounted!

Making it a cast is monkey paw. Blizz always gotta add a little bad idea to the good stuff. You have to cast the toggle and cast a mount. Why wasnt it just hold shift while you cast mount to toggle switch to the other flight style? Why did it have to have a cast time at all? Just blizz being blizz. People defending the decision seem to be of the same mind as people saying warbands are bad.

The rest of your comment is utter nonsense and so is this defending part as well, but … there are folks who are against warbands? I saw one person and they were clearly a troll.

Where have you been where there’s folks who are upset about easier access to our characters and their reputations? o.O

It should be 1.5 while not moving, the same as switching between mounts. It’s truly that simple.

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Originally mounts took 3 seconds, reduced to 1.5. Why are we going backwards and beyond, this is slower than vanilla

What’s worse is my mounts without skyriding flying can’t even do normal flying when skyriding is enabled, they’re stuck on the ground. This is so backwards


Actually, it would be like it was before the pre patch. I would jump on my Dragonflying mount, and when I got close to where I was I could switch to Flight form for the steady flight. you still had to cast to get back on your dragonflyer.