5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

I didn’t want 500+ mounts with dragonriding, and I didn’t want to have to waste half an hour every day doing something that took ZERO time yesterday.


A lot of people wanted to have dragonflying on more mounts. A lot of people complained that they couldn’t use their preferred mounts in DF.

And again, if you’re switching that often, just don’t switch and stay in TBC flying mode…


This is my point.

How folks interact with the entire world was distinctively warped by how folks used flying. Heck we even had an example of it in Dragonflight when a design oversight caused an uproar on these forums: time rifts.

What people do when they have the ability to sit just out of reach of harm’s way but still be around an activity, is that people choose to not engage with the activity. With Skyriding(/Dragonriding) folks have to land meaning that there’s a lot fewer convenient places to afk, so when that happened in Dragonflight because of poor game design and environment building … the same thing happened.

Folks just sat afk and didn’t help with the activity, leading to frustration for some and just a general attitude of “not my problem.” Because… it wasn’t their problem. Folks who were there for the final portal were there for the final portal. Why engage in an activity if it is pointless towards the endgoal?

Compare that to the Tuskkar cooking event. Or the Researcher’s Under Attack. Or the assault on the Dragonbane keep. Or the frozen-futurist world.

When people are given a tool that is TOO convenient, people opt for that. This is a well-documented psychological and honestly just straight up logical human behaviour. In the real world we see this effect when it comes to incentives for people to use other vehicles than cars that it isn’t enough, you also need to desensitize unnecessary car usage.

In WoW it is the same thing with TBC flying, which is why Blizzard has spent over a decade trying to solve these issues when the player base flat out refused to do much than anything but afk in the sky rather than play the game once we got access to those tools. Flying on it’s own ain’t the problem, it is how people have used it over the years. That’s why Skyriding is fine, it has issues, but none so egregious that ever existed by players having access to a mobile afk platform that quite literally warped and reshaped how people played the game.

All of this is why this is a question of human psychology and game design. Not opinions because there’s not much to discuss here; this change is objectively good for the game’s overall health, regardless of whether people like the change or not.

Heck, Hirai’s post here demonstrates part of it as well.

There’s no “those” people. This is human psychology and folks not wanting their toys taken away from them. Regardless of however damaging those toys are.


I play a meta spec while generally ranking in the top 1% and I can’t get an invite in less than 10m. And that’s for trivial keys.

I should be able to use either style at will with no waiting time LIKE I COULD LAST WEEK!


That’s irrelevant.

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If i’m doing a quest i use Skyriding to get to it and then when i’m there i use Stable flying.
Why do i have to waste time toggling when i didn’t have to yesterday?

Because f you from Blizz?
We’re supposed to get QoL changes, not make things worse.

Now answer me this, what is your issue if this is resolved for those of us who want it? How does it make your gameplay worse?


This only happened because, yes, you admitted it: A design oversight. There was plenty of other ways they could design that to avoid that particular thing happening. Flying itself was not to blame, it was the events were poorly designed, and had loopholes, and were not rewarding enough to make players want to participate in them.

The Tuskarr event requires you to participate, IE, it wasn’t poorly designed from the start, lol. To connect that to flying/no-flying is silly.

If the time rifts REQUIRED you to participate to get the reward, then guess what? No more people afking near it.

Again, it’s the content design that was the problem, not the ability to fly.

Blizz’s insistence on making everything tied to events that pop, or rares, etc led to people wanting to hover above them waiting for mobs to spawn…

Instead of waiting on mobs to spawn, how about replacing those rares with more interactable stuff? Stuff that you must interact with to get rewards?

To be honest, I always hated waiting for rares to spawn, and/or running around looking for rares to spawn. That was always such a lame and lazy way to do content.

And it has NOTHING to do with flying.

Even in areas where there was no flying, guess what people who were Ferals or Rogues did? They stealthed and AFK’d waiting for rares to pop.

Just replace flying with stealth, and you get the same behavior.

Not because flying is bad, not because stealth is bad, but THE CONTENT WAS BAD.

That’s not flying’s fault.


absolutely NOT irrelevant… wth

Even easier solution instead stacking more unnecessary dev time on this…


Theres exactly 0 reason the devs should be wasting their time with this and having to maintain 2 different processes to do the exact same thing - flying.

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Uh No.

No effing thanks.

Skyriding blows when it comes to doing certain things. If anything, I’d be OK with them removing Skyriding and just making new areas smaller like it used to be.


Like I said multiple times, the 5 seconds is too long. But system switches you from sky swimming to a vehicle system. There absolutely needs to be switch and it has to be a cast time. Maybe 1 or 2 seconds but something.

At least I’m looking for a reason instead of just saying that Blizzard, a company that sole purpose is to have us continue paying and playing, is actively looking to eff with us.

So why couldn’t you just say that then?

5 seconds is too long… We ALL agree

why all the counter attacks ? jeez

difficulty in communication or what

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I did say that.

The cast time for summoning any ground or flying mount is 1.5 seconds, so why is it take more time to switch between Skyriding and Stable?

The easiest solution is to just lower the switching time to same as it is to summon a mount. On the hand, just have the option to choose what mounts you want stable. They could stay default skyriding, but could have one that you choose to be stable.

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I like having a stable mount and a skyriding mount on the fly. The time it takes doesn’t bother me as much.

All of classic exists. We have two versions of the same exact game in production right now. Something ive never seen before. Why? Because some people refuse change.

There is no reason that blizz shouldnt be able to deprecate old outdated features like legacy flight and replace them with new features in retail.

Leave old flight as is in classic.

If this isnt why classic is there for then what the heck was the point in splitting up the playerbase and have to maintain two prod environments???

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No, stable flying has a purpose.
If you don’t know when to use it, then ignore it.

People are saying it works properly in the pandaria remix?
I haven’t tried it there so i can’t confirm.

That’s why they can allow us to set certain mounts as stable flying mounts or skyriding mounts. This is the system that existed before, where i could select X mou7nt and stable fly, or Y mount and skyride.
So it can’t be a technical issue that is even slightly hard to solve.

They don’t see an issue, because they didn’t play like we do, that’s why they ignored the feedback regarding it.

But here are people that see it as an issue. Why are you standing against us if you don’t care either way? Just ignore the threads asking for a resolution to this, don’t make it harder to get something we want, that has no negative impact on you.


On a side note, I like how you mention “sky-swimming”.

This brings to mind another argument I’d like to make:

I play survival crafting games. Wanna know what one of my all-time favorite ones, was?


There have been many attempts to emulate what Subnautica does, but none of them ever come close to doing what Subnautica does.

One of the biggest reasons?

The FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT in that game is so exhilarating and fun. One might argue that managing o2 and not drowning is part of that, but… no, not really. It really isn’t. Once you get past the first few tech upgrades in the game, o2 is never an issue, ever.

One might say “dangerous critters!” but… no, contrary to popular belief, most hostile life is easily avoided, or can be convinced to leave you alone, once you know how while the general gameplay remains insanely fun.


The freedom of movement, 360 degrees, in all directions, infinite hovering.

No other game has such fun gathering and crafting.

One game came close – Breathedge, for much of the same reasons, but that game did a few things that I found annoying, and so it didn’t work quite like Subnautica did.

It stays in retail at the very least because skyriding is not ideal for disabled players. I’m sure if they could outright remove it, they would.

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