4th spec > New class

Gimmie a 3rd spec first then we can talk about 4th specs.

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Yep! That was exactly my thought process. :slight_smile:

I did! :smiley:

Gruul’s Lair would like to have a word with you.

Oh I missed that! Can we make it ranged instead!?

Sure! I hate melee healers anyway. lol

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I think the closest I’ve gotten to playing the old Range style of Surv has been in another game . Been playing a Warden in ESO and it reminds me of how mobile I was as a range surv hunter in WoW and how much I miss it .

(Not saying ESO is better just saying how it reminds me of the old RSurv)

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New class over 4th spec and it should be a ranged class?

Yeah but void walkers are also considered demons.

I’m pretty sure Warlocks have a soul link thing, there should be a talent where the demon splits damage with the Warlock. We also see this in other places like SoO where if the Warlock or demon dies the other goes too.

… you don’t turn into a voidwalker. :woman_facepalming:

Not in the lore they don’t. Gameplay mechanics are not lore. And linking temporarily with a demon is not anywhere near the same as having the soul of one within you and being infused with fel.

Didn’t say that. Does that mean demon hunters turn into the demon they consumed?

But using a spell that sacrifices your demon to gain power and their abilities is?

What is with you and fel? Not all Warlocks use fel.

DHs don’t consume void entities. Also: Voidwalkers aren’t demons.

I was talking about Demon Hunters. And thank you, because Shadow has nothing to do with demons.

If I were to make a new spec for each class…

Death Knight: Fleshstitcher (Healer) - Heals by using various corpse parts and dark life siphoning magic to stich up allies.

Demon Hunter: Bladedancer (Melee DPS) - Demon Hunters who have tamed their inner demon and found a new sort of zen with it. Unlike the other two DH specs they fight exclusively with their glaives and rarely if at all use their inner demon. They still use some magic but it would be more similar to the early Demon Hunters from Warcraft III before Illidan claimed the skull of Gul’Dan and gave them their more demonic identity.

Druid: You already have 4 specs nerd. If I were to give them another spec, it would be a caster DPS and I’d make it based around more plant spells than Balance is. Instead of celestial spells dealing with the stars they would use the raw fury of nature. Maybe call it Thorncaster or maybe just Wrath Druid after the spell Wrath.

Hunter: Tinker (Ranged DPS) - There I said it. Tinker as a spec of Hunter. You can already make something approximating a Tinker by making a Beastmaster with a gun and a robotic pet. So Tinker would double down on that and have more techy themed abilities and treat their companion as specifically a robot. The other option I thought of would be a tank that uses a big beefy pet to intercept attacks. But that might be too mechanically clunky to have a pet be doing the tanking.

Mage: Spellblade (Tank) - Similar to the Spellbreakers in Warcraft III they would go into battle with sword and shield and use their magic to turn enemy spells against them (thematically anyway, mechanically they’d probably use damage spells that build mana and then spend that mana on defensive stuff).

Monk: Thundercaller (Caster DPS) - Monk has a spec for each of the August Celestials except Chi-Ji and Yulon kinda share Mistweaver. I would make Thundercaller the Chi-Ji spec and have them be based on using lightning to do damage. Another option I thought of was a ranged physical DPS that was based off the Shado-Pan and used a more ninja-ish playstyle and used various throwing projectiles.

Paladin: Law (Healer) - This was probably the most difficult one for me to come up with as I think that Paladin already has an exhaustive set of specs and couldn’t really think of a new one to fit in their class identity that was distinct from every other spec. This spec would heal mainly through shields and other preventative measures, like reducing the amount of outgoing damage enemies do by condemning them to various sentences for their crimes.

Priest: Inquisitor (Caster DPS) - Uses holy magic to sear and punish foes. A more caster-flavored version of Retribution.

Rogue: Sniper (Ranged DPS) - Distinct from Outlaw in that while Outlaw uses pistols occasionally in a gunslinger fashion, sniper would use rifles from ranged. I’m not sure how to make them distinct from Marksman Hunters but it would be similar in concept. I also thought of putting a bard spec here as a healer but I think that might be too far removed from the aesthetic of WoW.

Shaman: Earthwarden (Tank) - Pretty uncontroversial but Shaman already has a spec for each of the elements except for earth. Using earth shields to act in a tanking role sounds good to me and I think we need more classes with access to every role.

Warlock: Lifestealer (Healer) - Similar to Disc they would use damage spells to heal allies. Though instead of Atonement I would imagine more like they fill up a reservoir with their damage spells and then draw from that to heal. I was tempted to put Necromancer here but I think that would feel too similar to Demonology in concept.

Warrior: Sentinel (Melee DPS) - I’m imagining this as less of a fury and rage type of warrior like the specs we have now and more of a graceful fighter like you would see from the Night Elf sentinels (which is where I took the name from.) It makes sense for every race to have a “guy who hits things with weapons” class but not all of them embody the bloody and wild style of Fury or the overpowering style of Arms.

I don’t think it would be a good idea to add so many new specs to the game all at once nor do I think all of these concepts are really all that well fleshed-out. I did definitely stretch for some of them. I mostly just wanted to have some fun imagining a new spec for every class, I’m not super invested in any of them.

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You really do have to deny lore to the extreme to make sure Warlocks having a meta form cannot exist, huh?

You really do have to twist things that don’t exist into your own headcanon to make sure it does exist, eh?

Don’t forget the mage spec with healing using time spells to reverse damage!

Or the ranged pally with judgment spells.

I’ve always been a fan of Job systems that lead to sub-specs ever since Ragnarok Online, but implementing such a thing would require a massive systemic overhaul to both the current and future design framework for the game.

Demons are Fel not shadow

Now this is podracing!

I’m just gonna link this thread and my response.