New Specs Rather Than New Classes

The bar has become so drastically low for Blizzard, I’m not even asking for specifics. Just asking “please make a game that doesn’t suck anymore”.

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Make demon hunters a heals spec with souls of demons or the dead in general they could come up with something fancy for that no doubt. Question is if they did make a demon hunter heal spec who’d play it.

Big difference in something cosmetic like green fire and a whole playable spec. People would lose their minds.

Paladins in WoW already have swords, axes and spears as available weapons. Priests also have daggers. In WoW edged weapons don’t seem to be an issue.

The whole “clerics don’t use sharp weapons” is a myth that came from medieval drawings often showing monks going into battle with maces. Since smashing someone’s face in with a mace will draw blood just as surely as stabbing them it’s unlikely that blood was the reason for their choice of weaponry. The more likely explanation is that maces are easier to use without training when compared to swords.

It was explained exactly like that though. It came from a much older version of the rulebook. I’m old AF, so I’ve been a gamer for a LONG time.

Since WoW modeled their Paladin on this idea, the idea of them using a bow or another ranged weapon is still probably well outside of their idea of what a Paladin should be.

I’m aware. I’m also aware that they don’t use ranged weapons like bows or the old “thrown knives” as Rogues had. That alone should be enough of a reason not to include them. The idea posed above could skirt around that though. A physical ranged weapon wouldn’t be used but a magical one made of Light could fill in quite nicely and I don’t think anyone would be opposed to that.

As I said in this thread:


What if… both?

Add a fourth spec (third for DH and none for Druid) to current classes and also add Necromancers, Tinkerer and Bard to start? :stuck_out_tongue:


Sure this sounds good, but Blizzard isn’t capable of adding a 4th spec to all existing classes.

Honestly while I do love the idea of new specs, truely I’d love to see a Caster Dps that’s Holy damage, could go to Priest or Paladin (be the first plate wearer caster which be amazing).

After a lot of thought I’d rather they release a new class and for current classes try rework talents, I think the major downfall for most specs is theirs always must pick Talents, if reworked old specs could feel new with talents changing the play style.

Think of it as restoring a vintage car, while yes it’s old it still feels new to the owner, same could go with old Classes/Specs, talents could change how the class feels not being funneled into one type for M+ and another for Raiding and PvP.

It truely depends on how Blizzard goes, new specs sound great, I’d love it too, but I’d hate to lose a new class or talent reworks aswell. In a perfect world I’d love everything to happen but that’s just greedy of me.

Edit: Realistically, I’m sure Blizzard will go for an easier path, just open up more or all class restrictions, it be a lot easier to reskin Druid Forms and Totems. All classes share now the same animations regardless of race, all races have stealth animations just seems more realistic. Which I’m not against either. Just they’ve truely made it easier for themselves going down this route.

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The problem with adding classes like rangers and bards is the community.

Y’all think rangers are hunters or only use a bow and bards are magical musicians.

The only bard that would work in WoW would be either a DnD college of valour or college of sword bard, or a college of healing bard. Not too sure if college of healing bards are official or home brew though.

Either way, my dnd college of valour bard does not play an instrument in battle. He shoots fireballs at large groups, then misty steps behind enemies engaged with party members to stabby them with combat advantage and generally tear sh*t up all the while spot healing the group cause Bards melt face and look good doing it. :sunglasses:

Edit: And my bard wears mail……like a third mail class would be great in WoW huh?

I just want a new healer or a ranged dps spec for shockadin


Healing with fel.

I don’t think that works.

They will glow with green! Green shields!

Technically it does. It’s just that if you’re not a demon then the side-effects will make you wish you still had the wound.

Ranged warrior spec pls, I got about 150 gun mogs I can’t use :stuck_out_tongue:

Havoc, Vengeance, aren’t bad,
But I’m not an appraiser.
Give us ranged we’ve never had,
and call this new spec, Razer.

We need a technology class for Goblins and Gnomes first. Once we get the technology class, then we can move on to new specs. It would be odd to abandon classes when we have a huge steampunk theme (even including races who are a part of that theme) and no class that covers it.

Eh, prefer new classes, everything is fresh.

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