446 Havoc DH/445 Fury Warrior 3/9 mythic AOTC LF guild

Hey Recently came back to WoW a month ago after a break since shadowlands looking for a raiding i play a fury warrior which is 445 and a 446 Havoc DH with good logs on heroic mythic not so much i have a lot of raid EXP 11 AOTCs since legion and 2 CEs i can raid any day and any time dont mind server transferring either looking for a casual guild or hardcore whatever works for me willing to play any class or spec if your interested in me please add my discord or battlenet
Discord: Divine#6305
Battlenet: Divine#12165
also please dont be sensitive

Hey there, Bell.

Our guild can always use another demon hunter. WE currently raid on Friday and Saturday. I’ll post our guild info and let you see if it interests you.

Hey Belldelphinè,

Squirt on Area-52 is 4/9M (with sub 10% pulls on Rashok) and looking for a Havoc DH for our mythic core.

We raid 8-11pm EST Friday and Saturday.

Add us to bnet so we can chat; saeilfa#1679, bantou#1403, leha#11627.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hey I sent a disc request we are Deathshow on Area 52 we are currently 7/9M we raid Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 8 to 11pm est I’d love to chat my disc is Sig9905

Hiya, we are currently forming a second roster in our guild Never Raid Sober.
The raid group is planning to run Mon/Tues 9pm to midnight Eastern time.
Our first group finished abberus 7/9 mythic, we have alot of experience in the guild dating back to vanilla.
Tanks: Close
Healers: Need MW,resto druid, resto shaman, presvoker
DPS: open for all
If you are an able raider looking for a new home, willing to show up on time and eager to delve and push for cutting edge in 10.2 and beyond please feel free to apply.

We have a very chill guild culture, we love to have fun run M+s as guild groups and generally have a good time. When it comes to raiding we like to focus up and kill some bosses.

Please note this will be a second group forming within the guild, our first group currently has a full roster and we are looking to expand to having 2 raid groups to push content.

Please contact @Tanatithe#1976 (btag) or tanatithe on discord.
Feel free to inquire with questions and/or your interest in raiding.
Currently recruiting all classes/roles for this group, trying to pump up a full roster before release of the season 3 raid!

sent you a discord message too :smiley:

bumping post

One Night Affair is an AOTC focused guild raiding only 1 night a week.

Raid times: Tuesday night 8:30-11:30 EST.

OPTIONAL night Thur 9-11 for those looking to do a little more.
Many Mythic+ KSM minded players. Guild Organized M+ runs.

Vault of the Incarnates
8/8N 8/8H 2/8M

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
9/9N 9/9H (AOTC in 7 weeks raiding 1 night a week.)

Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope
11/14/2023 release date

Raid Leader is a former mythic and CE player. We will focus on using our limited time with efficiency and effectiveness, while maintaining a fun stress free environment.

Recruitment is currently open for:
High Priority
Holy Priest
Shadow Priest
Demon Hunter
WW Monk

Medium Priority
DPS Warrior
DPS Druid Moonkin and/or Feral

Low Priority (but still wanted)
Elemental Shaman

Contact Lucast on Discord