Hey Zaide, I’m the GM of a two day a week raiding guild in need of a good, reliable tank. We mainly focus on AOTC but have been in BOD since January and have casually just recently killed Mythic Grong in about 20 pulls (ish?), raid T/TH 8pm-11pm eastern (7-10pm central). We raid as a team, is the best way to describe it. We have an active community that runs mythic+ regularly, most of our players have grabbed the +10s in times, we’re working on trying to snag those +15s in time, our discord is our center of social hanging out. We have one tank that hasn’t missed a raid since BFA came out, and 5-7 healers that are always around, and a good mix of reliable DPS. Our long time 2nd tank had to step away for some family issues, and I’ve not been able to fury as I’ve thrown on the sword and board to keep the ball rolling.
We’re mostly 30 year olds, with lives, jobs, kids, wives, etc. We have a raid leader who’s calm and collected and we try to keep a chill and FUN atmosphere.
Check out our Raider IO that I cannot link, Do Work on Bleeding Hollow.
We have never been a Cutting Edge guild, and our goals currently are to Farm the first three Mythic Bosses, get our new recruits up to speed for 8.2, and snag an AOTC out of COS when we feel like going back in there. We got 2/2 Normal the week it came out, and we’re 1/2 H after a night of messing around with it. But we found more value for our time going into BOD. We’ve been taking new recruits through and teaching them H BOD and snagging an AOTC for them while splitting time in mythic while we wait for 8.2
I’m not sure if you’re interested in server transferring, or if you’re Mythic Raiding only, but I’ve been very happy and dare I say Proud of what I and the other officers have built this expansion. We’ve been around since 2009, started on Archimonde. I’ve been playing since pre-BC, raided BT, Wrath, Cata…Legion, and BFA. We transferred to Bleeding Hollow maybe 7 or 8 weeks ago and retained our entire core and bench, and I’ve been heavily recruiting for weeks now. It’s down to a good reliable tank and a mage or two.
My discord name is: Buddyman#4113 please reach out to me if you think any of this sounds like you’d be interested in.
P.S. Bleeding Hollow is a high population realm and not a connected realm, and we often have 12-18 players on during “non-work” hours.