<400k HP = useless

I am actually preferring levelling BG’s because they are so much more balanced and fun compared to the PVE gear dominated 120 BGs. Yes hunters and mages are stupid strong during the first 30 levels, and 10-29 is a joke with twinks, but 30-109 is actually a lot of fun.


I miss when you’d hit level cap on a toon, start running random BGs til you had the honor to buy enough PvP gear to start doing rated PvP.
I don’t want to spam PvE dungeons so I can actually play the game that I want to.


I think a lot of people miss this. Let’s hope they wise up with this release date pushback and make changes to that effect.


WTB 3 tiers of gear 5 ilvls apart per season.

This 3450 ilvl gain per xpac is over the top.

PvE drop rates were severely nerfed, so won’t be nearly as efficient as in BfA. You will be able to do this again, esp since versa is a good stat for most and you are guaranteed to get that on all gear.

I disagree, there are people that love to pvp, and there are people that love to pve. The last few expansions Blizz has made a decided and dedicated effort to make those who PVE way more geared than those that pvp. not sure why that is. Its why alot of people have left, including me. It has also lead to people buying carries thru PVE content to be able to “compete” in PVP. “compete” I say because its a MASSIVE leg up.

I heard that SL was going to be different, but it doesn’t seem like it will be. Time will tell. In which case fine they win the 40 dollars and gain on this quarters bottom line, but most assuredly wont see another dime from me.


Even if you suck its not that hard to get to 400 hp. Spend a day doing world quests. I never say anything unless someone is below 200, but if you’re below 100 you are an anchor around your teammates’ neck. Have you heard of informed consent? Next time buy a guy dinner first.

In 8.3 , it has nothing to do with whether you have 400 hp or not . Corruption is king .


My mage is very low hp and and i dont have many issues.
Dont have to kill alot, but popping cc’s and annoying the enemy so that your teammates can finish them off is huge.
Untill im geared, spell steals, sheepd, interupts is 90% of what i do right now.
Enemy cant survive if i keep stealing heals xD
So, learn your cc’s, learn which classes your cc’s work best towards, and build from there, ignore the trolls in bg.


You are the problem, not them. Casual pvp is just that, casual.

hypocrites. level in bgs by soaking up xp from a loss because you wont gear your alts then complain about the exact type of player at 120.
remember that old anti drug commercial where the dad finds a cigar box of drugs in his sons room?
“where didyou get this?”-mad dad
“i learned it by watching you!!”- sad no longer stoned teen.

hows that bed you made feeling? sleeping good?

It’s not made-up.

If I can delete you with a couple chaos bolts, then yes there is a cut-off. The idea isn’t made-up if you last 5 seconds in a teamfight lol

I have a reasonable expectation to a fair match, not one where I’ll be fighting people with over a million HP, while someone on my team has 50k.

That variance is the trade off that comes with participating in the most casual form of pvp. If you want to gate-keep than run arenas or form an RBG team.

My warrior is 380k with a mix of 430 to 460 gear. My neck is rank 81. My cloak is rank 5. Not useless especially when it comes to unrated bg’s where understanding bg mechanics and focusing on objectives usually wins most matches.

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Holding people to the barest of standards so that they don’t become a burden- and nothing but a burden- isn’t gate keeping you dunce.

I still have a reasonable expectation to actually win games, and someone who’s literally only in the BG because they know they’ll get free 425’s, win or lose, they’re getting in the way of that. If it was meant to truly be casual, no rewards would be tied to it.

You’re welcome to your personal opinion but disparaging other people because they don’t adhere to your made-up standards isn’t needed.

I can assure you that the person there to get free gear has a far more minimal impact on your chance of winning the match than you are proclaiming. There are are several much larger variables at play here that will determine the outcome.

But folks do love a good scapegoat.

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You’ll get over it.

I’m sorry but I don’t like having people volunteering me for carry duty. You’re not entitled to my time and effort and unless Blizzard introduced a reward for people who were pushed into the role- it’s less crazy than you may think; FF14 gives a first timer bonus- I’d rather not.

I thought I could contribute on my 400k mage last night.

Until I got hit with a 486k Reaping Flames.

As soon as I was one shotted and killed by an instant cast spell, I logged out and went and played an alt.

A shame that the game has become what it has.

Why pay to play if you cant play ?


In a random BG? you are worried about carrying the team in a random BG? The most casual PVP activity in the game? Go make your own rated team and put all the rating gating you want on it.


This current gear disparity in PVP is purely the fault of the PVP gear system and not the players. When we used to get PVP gear from PVP that was separate from PVE gear, the process of gearing was fast and it put people on a relatively even playing field (especially WoD).