<400k HP = useless

What isn’t happening?

1-2 shot with 300k health.

Sorry but it does, last match a balance Druid with 659k health two shot me from 40 yards in kotmogu

I live in the real world, not the jugaa one


Kotmogu has damage increases with orbs. That’s not the norm…

You know it’s weird. It shouldn’t be happening, but it is. Go in there on an alt. It’s crazy how useless you are even a few steps from top tier Mythic gear.

I don’t know if it’s the corruptions doing this (I’ve avoided learning anything about that system) but sub 300HP you’re considered a wasted slot.

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I have played alts. Druid and warlock. Never two shot but the outliers like temple with orbs

He had no orb, i had one for 10 seconds

But it also happened in wsg, ab, ashran, and others

You’re just wrong jugaa, got no reason to make it up. This only happened with corruption effects.

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Okay cool. Never had problems on my alts. Regardless, expansion ends in a week and a half so it’s w/e.

The mage/lock classes did the one shots. But one shots are pretty rare.

The lowest I’ve seen in a BG was 76k and that was a rogue they racked up close to 30 death’s also :joy:. I just finished leveling a shadow priest and I sitting at a 401 gear score and I wouldn’t dare que for a BG till I at the very least I’m close to 400k heath.

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But that’s harder than you might suspect. RNG is bad.

My 401 shadow priest only has 223k heath in a BG I’m just a walking target or as the saying goes “just a warm body.”


PvP has been like this at the end of every expansion. The grossly geared players queue into casual BGs and crush the undergeared casuals.

Although I want to agree with you, I don’t from experience. End game gear grows more powerful as the expac going on, and towards the end of an expac, the gear curve is so sharp that you are indeed useless until you hit a certain number. That’s just how the game is. What was OK a year ago is definitely not enough today.

But it’s less so for Horde cause the Alliance are largely incompetent at pvp. I lost a Kotmogu where the 215k tauren paladin held onto an orb the entire match cause alliance could not touch him (Cause of a mix of woefully undergeared alliance and overgeared Horde).

So…in theory, you CAN play casual BGs while being undergeared, just expect that you’re going to handicap your team and you’re probably going to lose. At some point it drifts into selfishness.

Buddy the difference is a complete lack of easily obtainable ground floor honor gear that scales to normal/heroic level during pvp. THATS why this feels so much worse. And the gap between honor/conquest in the good xpacs was only 15 ilvls

This is all missing now and no easy catchup plus horrific grinds for the parts of the borrowed power crap


No one complained about not having gear for BGs in WoD that I recall because PVP gearing was fast and best done via PVP:

It starts with an introductory set of a quality similar to today’s Honor gear, except you’ll earn it much, much faster.

…since the basic gear is earned so quickly, that helps ensure players get those important set bonuses, trinkets, and so on without too much trouble, and helps put everyone on a decent baseline in their ability to compete.

Even if you just dinged 100 your ilvl was brought it 15ilvl below honor gear in PVP.

On top of that, all gear—even gear found in PvE content—will be scaled up to a certain minimum item level in any designated PvP area. That minimum is still lower than any of the actual PvP gear, but a fresh level-100 character who’s just wearing some dungeon gear, or even whatever they picked up while questing, will not be at quite as severe a disadvantage should they choose to step into a Skirmish or Random Battleground.

WoD had it right, bring it back.


Yeah I dug the wod system as well

Either that or mop


But saying what the current system is…is nothing. I’m talking about the problems so that Blizz at least has a record of what people hate.

If I can articulate it well enough, or we all post it frequently enough maybe they’ll tweak those things.

Propping up the status quo isn’t going to help. What things aren’t doesn’t mean they’re good. Especially as the bureaucracy morphs into that disfunction.

Yea, exactly.

Ilvl 422 druid, 277k hp. The question is, do you want people with an ilvl of 422 to be able to queue for casual PvP, or do you want it restricted to premades of mythic raiders who ought to be doing rated but would rather farm players with low hp?


You don’t need mythic gear … I don’t have mythic gear , I do just fine or did till I stopped doing BG due to boredom and bad games .

I agree the gear differences are too much , a lot of it due to corruption but let’s not exaggerate .

You want to see imbalanced PvP , do leveling BG’s like I am doing now . Hunters and Mages running wild . Now that is crazy .

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