<400k HP = useless

Mythic+ end-of-dungeon drops were nerfed, yes, but the weekly chest was buffed. And in order to benefit from that buff you’ll need to do 10 mythic+ dungeons of at least your target level per week to ensure you have 3 options to choose from. And that’s not even taking into consideration raiding and the overpowered trinkets that will be dropping in Castle Nathria.

I remember Warsong back in classic. Ran plenty of flags, wearing trash. Sap, gouge (been awhile, may not be right ability.) oncoming threat, sprint, meet team mid. Far as recently, ccs and keeping them applied. Kept several horde off our shammy. This is after someone said I shouldn’t be there with x HP.


Game feels so broken rn in terms of players.

They have built a nice, cozy little reality for themselves.

This is, again, part of the trade-off you make when you participate in WOW’s most casual form of PVP. If you want to control variables like this then go join an RBG team.

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Random bgs can be painful sometimes. If someone only wants to play pvp, they boost a character, there is only one activity they can really do.
This is randoms bgs. I used to love back in WoD you could take an alt into ashran or randoms and scoop up the honor gear. You didn’t even have to pve if you didn’t want to.
I think the devs of that time saw a problem with that. So they made pve mandatory.


Who didn’t love this? Fast honor gear? 15 ilvl below conquest?

Blizzard please!


The issue stems a lot from the gear curve in this expansion. The difference between a fresh 120 and someone in 465+ gear is insane. That is really the problem and Bliz should have compensated by adding some kind of buff that increases your stats bring it closer to current tier of gear.


Offer a quicker, better option of getting catch up gear each tier like they used to do. The current system does a poor job of catching someone up imo.


I replied to you in another thread, but that is exactly what WoD gearing was like. PvPing on multiple characters was awesome and I never felt behind in gear.

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True, but hey, 300k meh, not that much of a problem. But when you see a 100k or an 89k holy sheiza. The rage sharks start to swim in my head man .

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Doesn’t scaling allow for even 150k players to contribute is some way ? Cause they sure don’t die to a couple 50k arc blasts like they’re supposed to. Idk it’s messed up I guess.

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Yea, it does. Not as well with corruptions in the mix though.


Ah that dirty corruption strikes again lol

It works in weird ways without corruption… a fresh 120 DH with 90 K health died to me earlier today in WPvP … all I did was FS him, dropped counter strike , ran around and he died before me :joy:

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