<400k HP = useless

If you’re concerned about gear in randoms maybe you should go do rateds.



It’s not completely useless, but it’s not really fun either as most people in random bgs have well over 500k health at this point.


So help you if you roll up on a 700k+ warlock when you’re rocking 400k lol

Saw that happen last night, poor guy had zero chance

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That is exactly what’s going on in random bg’s right now.

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People coming in on 400k alts or less and they are complaining about getting blowed up? End of xpac. And there is hidden scaling at work here as well.

/yawn boring ideas.

clearly you didn’t like what you saw in the mirror this morning :pinching_hand: :rofl:

I think I missed something.

So did Gothh :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :pinching_hand: :rofl:

400k hp is about average. Most people in BGs aren’t higher than iLvl 460 that I’ve seen.

It’s the sub-200k hp people that are basically filling up slots. Seen somebody as low as 70k.

It doesn’t bother me too much unless they aren’t making objectives the focal point or complain in chat about how the team is bad. In straight up small scale group fights they can be a liability but I’ve teamed less than 100K HP players who made it possible to get the win because they accepted smaller roles such as staying at stables the whole BG and calling out incomings. Sure most likely they will die defending the flag but it buys me and others enough time to rotate over to come and help. Those are player intangibles you can’t take for granted regardless of their gear.


Should not match making take this into account? I mean there HAS to be somewhere for people gearing up top play…
Calling them worthless in your BGs is a poor reflection on you, not them.
Anyone can contribute, but those with better gear should be matched with those with comparable and vice versa.
Oh and please for the love of all thats holy stop putting 120s in lowbie BGs, its an absolute travesty.

I agree with you on this one. Unfortunately, they don’t always express that level of maturity and brotherhood.

Should be easy:
50 HP bars
Sort by size
Group in 10s

I’m imaging that’s the logic behind the solution.

buddy i’ve got a couple toons at 300k and they get 1-2 shotted all day by the geared peeps (big hit ability/spells/corruption of course)

400k is like one more hit

the power creep per tier is redonk, bliz just made the old tier absolute garbage with every new tier to motivate grinding

i preferred the old way by the founders where the power separation by tier was a gradual curve instead of a bunch of cliffs


This is not true, but okay.

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Omg dude. I know this is not your fault, they probably should implement some system so each side has a similar average item level or something. Man 8.3 has been so long so I queued a lot of BGs recently. I am around 670k hp as a WW monk with fort buff + food which is like 20% more stamina (around 550k without any buff, ilvl 480ish). But when I queue into a warsong, and 6 people on my team are like 400k hp but all enemy players are like 500k+, i know we are not gonna win and it won’t be fun for me at all because at any given time half of the team will be at grave yard waiting for respawn.

As a casual you might not know how much difference that is, a 480 with full bis corruption and a 480 with no corruption is super different already. A 480 rogue with full gushing can kill you just with tossing daggers. And they both have 550k hp. Now you have 400k, I bet you are no where close to bis corruption, probably you don’t even have 125 corruption resistance for you cape!

So I am always wondering is it even fun for people like you to queue BGs with no gear? 400k hp I just drest + reaping you are almost dead!

(However I have to admit, sometimes even as alliance, I queue into a BG where all my teammates are like 500k+ hp and enemy has 4 or 5 people < 450k, I just slaughter them lol. It is so funny when you can wait in grave yard and keep one shotting people with 350k reaping flames.)

Proof that I am not lying, I got 28 kills while the entire enemy team has 36, not sure how much fun they had lol


I guess we’ll have to see if they fix it in SL, they won’t make any major changes at this point. I just plan to take a break in a few days, I hope you guys let me know how it is and if I should try it out. TIA.

Wanting to split the already razor thin alliance pool in an attempt to balance queue comps etc. would surely cause queue times to go up up up for everyone.
Is it really worth it? /shrug

Everything changes soon so, just be patient till we see what we can see …

Yes it is true, 1-2 shot by the big hits in random bg

I presume they are using buffs for the 1 shots but still shouldn’t even be possible

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Sorry but with scaling this isn’t happening.