400 MS Batching/2.5 Tick Servers

Account has been inactive since 2009 I’m not surprised.

You think adapting to a 400 ms Vanish window is difficult? It’s just broken. R/M swings more in Rogues favor now, coils are easier to vanish, the lag feels clunky and makes the game unfun compared to Pservs that seem to have had a more accuarate spell batching system. I’ve never heard of anyone complaining about the batching or leeway from private servers.


Gee, that’s convenient. Your “other account” had Grand Marshal. Never seen this story before!


Lol I’ll try to find the old character. There are websites where old characters are stored.

Called it, not sure why he wants to prove anything to random people online.

Apparently it is difficult for you lol

There are, and I looked up that name and it didn’t exist.

Can you give me a link to the website you used? I’m trying to find old databases.


I’ve seen that one, but the website won’t load for me

Yes, correct, I’m definitely not leaving because of artificial lag making PvP much less fun and classes such as Hunter being extremely nerfed because of it.


Not nerfed, you are just bad friend. It literally works the exact same way it did in vanilla, you just see it differently now if you have a better connection.

Well thanks for letting me know you are going to leave, sad to see another pro orc rogue leave the game.

Only thing you should of done is played an ud frost mage and you would be set.

I’ll actually help you since you’re not the brightest.

The spell batch range was never 400 ms static, it was a varying range. On average it would feel like around 200 ms, but sometimes much lower and sometimes higher. The spell batch was added because of, supposedly, people with horrible internet connections with 200+ ms. This was added as lag compensation to make the game feel smoother. Now that everyone has high-speed internet, why would there be artificial lag added to high-speed internet to make the game feel less smooth? That doesn’t make for an authentic experience.

But how convenient for Blizzard. Now they can be like “this is how Classic really was, if you don’t want this Classic lag, just hop over to Pay Pigs of Azeroth and gobble up our microtransactions.”


Oh I’m well aware of how it works thought you switched back to leeway in the last comment.

It doesn’t matter though what I said is still relevant, it works the same exact way as it did in vanilla. Just get better.

Why get better, just quit and make a rage post.

Even though you quit and nobody cares, makes you feel better.

Thats because they’re smart devs and saw how dog sht Leeway and batching was and made changes for the better.

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You are now, you’re welcome.

What flavor of boot do Blizz employees wear? Good consumer boy.

You unironically think Rogues aren’t buffed by batching and leeway. At the same time thinking classes like Hunter aren’t nerfed by this. Says it all, average player consumer boy has average player consumer boy opinions.

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They aren’t nerfed or buffed. They are staying true to what they were in vanilla. Removing this would buff them from what they were. Full stop

Idc if they remove spell batching because it’s imperceptible to me. How can you tell if it “feels like 200ms” vs 400? Are you a stopwatch lol?

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